Hall Of Excellency

I was very surprised at the consideration of making a page like this, but yet some people out there understand where I am coming from and are just totally kick ass cool. And thus, they will be put here.
*The newest entries are towards the bottom*
|emails sent to me will only be place in here|

From : "Ashley K."
Subject : hey
Date : Tue, 23 Jul 2002 07:32:45
Hey there,
I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you. You make a site expressing your feelings towards someone and then you take all this bull shit ppl give you and slap it right back in your faces. I was reading your hall of shame and...where do you come up with this shit. IT'S AWESOME!!! I swear you should have your own tv show. Have ppl call you up about how much they like willa and then you just bitching them out. It's great!! I think your right in everway. I don't like bsb nor have I ever and i doubt I will. Therefor I don't like Nick. So obviously Nick isn't my reason for not liking her. I so get what your talking about. She is talentless...there was some award thing I was watching and well...she needs singing lessons. I don't think that it's right that the only reason she sells anything is because she wears panties to dance on stage in. Plus her songs...what's that about. Women are trying to get equal rights yet she's just bringing our chances of winning that fight way down. She sells her body...nothing else. And I think that's wrong. She's just like every other blond bimbo who sells their body. Anyway I heard in one of her songs that she disses britney and says shit like she's not like them and shit. She's wrong. You can flaut your stuff...but to a certain point and willa ford goes beyond that point. I just wanted to say that keep on doing what your doing...no matter what anyone else says. Thanx,

Damn, this girl knows what she is talking about! See how awesome this email is? I live for shit like this. And Ashley, I'll take you up on that TV offer.. LOL now Willa can be bashed publicly.. hehe. Every single point I've been trying to make Ashley just reviewed in this email, therefore she knows what she's talking about and is really kick ass!

From : "Kassidy R"
Date : Sat, 28 Sep 2002
Hey I love your website! Willa totally sucks!! She dosent deserve to be reconginzed at all. She hurt Nick and she derserves to be punished!! Keep on with the awsome web site!!! Willa Sucks!!!

A thank you, thank you.

From: goodwin@our.net.au
How r ya? Wellz im not sure if ull actually answer this email..coz its bn like ova a year or wateva since u posted n e hting....so if u don i undastand! But i just wanna say that ur websites pretty cool....i do think that willa...or wateva the bloody hell her name is is a skank....but i was just wonderin wat has happened to her? Ya kno....coz shes like dun nuthin ova like the past 2 yearz 4 n e 1 to diss her bout!? has she finally got the message? But n e wayz best b off....just wanted to say that ya sitez sall good! Thanx 4 reading this!

She finally got the message that she SUCKS ASS and didn't want to show her face anymore. Well, at least thats what I like to pretend..lol. I actually don't know what happend to her. I wonder if her annoying little "fans" will still continue to annoy the hell out of me even though she dropped off the face of the earth. HA HA. But thanks for giving me feedback even though I haven't updated in forever. I'm sorry! lol But I've just graduated from High School and I've had to do a bunch of school crap but now that summer is in, you bet I'll be updating this site!

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