Hall Of Losers

I was actually kinda hoping that I wouldn't have to make one of these but yes sadly there are people who have decided to either email me or write me something nasty in my guestbook. Oh and if you do write me and say something bad about me or my site you will end up here.. just a little warning. :)
*The newest entries are towards the bottom*

Friday 06/01/2001 12:45:14am
Name: Cathryn
Homepage: http://
E-Mail: cathryn0s07gld@yahoo.com
City/Country: USA
Why do you hate Willabeast?: I'ma goody two shoes...no
Comments about my site: I think this site is reatarded.. not because I like Willa, but because it's pointless. Radio stations don't play your requests hun! Sorry, they have a schedule to go on, and so if you think that by telling them NOT to play Willa, they're gonna listen, then maybe you got the half of a brain. I don't mean to put ya down, but blabbing on about how stupid, ugly, and untalented someone is, is pointless. Namecalling is 2nd grade crap. Your site serves so purpose, but ranting and raving about a person who doesn't give a shit what you think. Eminem made it big by being controversial. Just remember something - while you feel Willa may be the most untalented, blah blah person or "Bitch" (when you personally don't know her), just remember you're increasing her 'bad girl' image - that's what she wants. Sorry, but controvesial = more popular. More popular = more records bought. You can't change people's musical taste. It's personal, so hopefully, this site was made to satisfy your own needs to let out your anger about Willa. If you plan on writing back calling me a slut or ranting and raving about ME when you don't know me, then go ahead. You'll just prove my point of immaturity and kick yourself in the ass.

I emailed her back:
Thank you for signing my guestbook.. And actually I haven't heard I wanna be bad on that radio station ever since I called in. And putting me down isn't 2nd grade? I mean come on, once ya get out into the real world and realize that everything isn't always peachy keen and people do call each other names and stuff isn't just 2nd grade. And I know I don't know Willa personally but from her interviews and stuff on TV her personality sucks, and so does her singing. So if you don't like my opinion of Willa why did you even come to my "retarded" site? You said it yourself, you can't change people's musical taste, and I don't like Willa's crap she calls singing. So why your email served equally "no purpose" as my site, I hope you continue to have a good day surfing the net for more Anti-Willa sites, just so you can email them telling them how pointless their site is. But I do have to give you mad props for actually leaving your email address and not just writing something nasty in my guestbook and not leaving an Address..

*And I just got proved wrong! God Willa fans are so stupid.. that email address isn't valid.. uhh okay let's email someone and not even leave them the right email address..stupid fucks.*

Friday 06/08/2001 3:17:50am
Name: Kelly
Homepage: http://
E-Mail: whitephantom@libby.cav
City/Country: Cleveland, Oh
Why do you hate Willabeast?: Have no opinion of her
Comments about my site: I just think it's rather obvious why there are a thousand "anti-Willa Ford" sites on the web. It adds up to nothing more than a bunch of adolescent girls being madly "in love" with Nick Carter and being resentful because this chick got to date him and none of you did. Come on guys...grow up. If she's abusive, so be it. Nick Carter is a grown man and I'm quite sure he can handle himself. Besides, if it weren't Nick it would be Justin Timberlake (which is why most of you hate Britney) or anyone from 98 degrees. It's typical female angst. We always want what we can't have. When I was 14 it was Jordan Knight. Trust me - I was EXACTLY like all the girls today. I thought I owned him. Now that I'm 25, I realize how trivial it all was. One day you guys will too..

I emailed her back:
hey, you left a message in my guestbook to my anti-willa site, and I just wanted to let you know that you should really of asked me why I dislike Willa, because her being "abusive" to Nick Carter is NOT the reason why. I actually don't think that she was even abusive to him.. and there are only a million reason's why she most likely wasn't. When you assume things you only make yourself look like an ass, Wanna know why I don't like Willa? Talent.. she has none of it, and I don't like her personality, the girl has a real bad attitude problem and I wouldn't want little girls like my sister idolizing her. Nick Carter.. well if Nick was the reason I didn't like her then why would I still dislike her since they are broken up? That's my point exactly..I could care less if they were broken up, going out, if she was screwin 15 people behind his back, Nick is not the reason why I don't like her. I told you the reason why I don't like her so take it or leave it.

Wednesday 06/13/2001 11:26:32am
Name: nEoN-rAgE
Homepage: http://
E-Mail:Oh that's right your hot shit.. too afraid to leave your email address? Aww that's too bad...
Why do you hate Willabeast?: No, Just the webowner is immature.
Comments about my site: What the hell? Mandy is so fucking hot? Huh? are you saying Mandy is hot? Uhh.. okay Who gives a shit about what she did? Sighs, I suppose your talking about the abuse.. Like I said before.. I don't believe that she abused him so obviously you care about what she did since you brought it up. Later if you get to know her, she can all change her immature additude back. It's just shes going through alot of emotional problems that keep her strand with so much stress.

Right, half this entry didn't even make any sense so its like okay whatever.. and what's with the last part? "It's just shes going through alot of emotional problems that keep her strand with so much stress." What now are we going to pretend when KNOW Willa.. HA..

From: "Gregg Paiva"
Subject: shut the hell up
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 15:27:18 +0100
get a life bitch your just jeolous cause you cant look like that, and that she went out with nick and u didn't

I wrote back:
*Finishes laughing my ass off* PLEASE... you have GOT to be kidding me! And I'm really not jealous of Willa's looks.. I don't think I'd want to look like a horse the rest of my life.. and I'm not jealous of her going out with Nick.. I could care less if they were going out or not, or if she was going out with 25 million other guys behind his back.. I don't give a fuck.. she can go out with whoever she wishes.. I'm guessing by your maturity level your at least 10..I need to get a life? That's a good one.. why don't you go back to searching the internet for all the anti-Willa sites and send them mature emails like this one..

Tuesday 07/03/2001 0:30:27am
Name: Netgerm
Homepage: http://
Why do you hate Willabeast?: ??
Comments about my site: Really an anti site when you secretly "push" people to buy her album or download Napster to get it don't you think?

Um... right I push people into buying her album *busts out laughing* another reason why Willa fans are retards!

Tuesday 07/03/2001 10:43:04am
Name: fan4willa
Homepage: http://
Why do you hate Willabeast?: I HATE YOU BITCH
Comments about my site: You fuckin anti's need to grow up. Fuck all of you bitches, you're jealous as hell. I'm a BSB fan and you people are only being stupid. Don't you realize that Nick and Willa are going to ge back together and when they do, he'll only like the fans that supported her?! If you don't support her for her music, then support her for Nick. How else will we get closer to him? I really think Willa can be a good entertainer, her singin isn't the best but so what, she's got the whole girls power thing going on, so leave her alone. Shut the fuck up and chill out. Willa is gonna be on top and Nick is gonna be there with her. She's going to tell him about people like me who supportted herand then I'll get to meet Nick!!!!!!!!

"Nick and Willa are going to get back together and he'll only like the fans that supported her." Right.. "and how else are we going to get close to him?" OMG.. you have GOT to be kidding me. Girl you are fucking delusional, you are never going to get close to Nick. The only reason you like Willa is because you "think" after they get back together you'll be closer to him? "Her singing isn't the best" WELL HELLO, you don't like someone who's a singer cuz she has the "girl power" thing going on as you so kindly said. or because you think Nick is going to like you. You like a SINGER because they can SING good, which is why they are called SINGERS. Hunny you said it best yourself, "If you don't support her for her music, then support her for Nick." Last time I checked Willa and Nick weren't in a group together so why would I support her for Nick? And you think that because you support her you'll get to meet Nick? God THAT is pathetic!

Thursday 07/05/2001 11:54:50pm
Name: Not Important
Homepage: http://Not Important
E-Mail: Not Important
City/Country: Not Important
Why do you hate Willabeast?: I Don't
Comments about my site: Why so much profanity? Willa Ford - Another Popstar Wannabe - Are you a popstar wannabe? Why put time into something you "hate"? Why not put your energy into something more positive?

Why so much profanity? Weither it's on this site or at my home I use profanity, it's that okay? And what makes the difference if I use it or not? Ahhh *lmao* actually I'm not a popstar wanna be, see I'm not Willa, I don't try to be something I'm not. Wait you got me all wrong. I do put time into something positive, I positively dislike Willa. And hunny look EVERYWHERE on my site- not ONCE does it say I HATE Willa.. hate is a very strong word, and not even Willa deserves to be hated. No one does.. that's why I dislike her.. get yo facts straight before ya come to MY site and sign MY guestbook.. mm'kay?

Monday 07/16/2001 10:30:59pm
Name: Tessa
Homepage: http://
E-Mail: mariahcareyrocks@hotmail.com
City/Country: Malibu CA
Why do you hate Willabeast?: I don't hate! Neither should you!!!!
Comments about my site: Okay, I won't diss you cause I've got class and respect. I've also learned that its not right to hate or ridicule sick people and seeing that you are evidently sick I wouldn't condescend you. However, there is no way that I can relate to this site, honestly I'm not even a fan of Ms. Ford but I don't go around hating people who haven't done anything to me. Also how much time do you have on your hands to be making hate pages about a person? Are you that sinnicle, that hostile, that pathetic?! One more thing did your mama not teach you to have respect for people! Put yourself in willa's place, how do you think she feels? How would you feel if someone you didn't know was writing these things about you? Now, I seriously doubt that you are open-minded enough to read this little note and see it from my point of view, but just try!

Okay right you said you wont diss me because you've got class and respect but yet you go on to call me "sinnicle*lol*, hostile, pathetic, and sick?" Right can we say hypocritical? Damn..and if you can't relate to this site why in the hell did you even go here? Do you not have that much of a life that you surf around the net all day looking for sites that you don't agree with and then go and criticize them? I do what I do because I can, it's called Freedom of Speech, in the first amendment of the United States Constitution. Don't like it? Movie to Iran, then you wont have that problem of freedom of speech, actually you wont have freedom of anything.

And don't call me not open minded, you don't know why I dont like Willa, so dont even say one word. You don't have the right to, and until you do, why don't you go back and surf the internet for more sites that you don't agree with. Because your the one who doesn't have an open mind and doesn't think other people's opinions matter, you didn't to mine so why should I think you do about other people.

Subject: ?Question?
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 00:36:10 -0700
Hey my name is Erica Lu. And I think it's kind of sad how you made a site for Willa, when she is an awesome person. But I guess its your opinon. All i'm wondering is how can you judge her when you don't even know her ? Cause seriously I don't see how she is a slut ? She's saying what she wants ... and i dont see how its ok for guys to say how they want to "bump and grind" when you totally freak out on willa for singing "i wanna be bad" seriously I think it's sad how negative you are. Because hate is such a strong word. There is so much negattivity in the word..I'm not saying you hvae to LOVE willa, all i'm saying by you making this "hate" site ...how is it going to change anything..cause Willa sure as hell isn't going to change for you , or anyother people who "hate" her. So all I'm wondering how you can judge her and hate her, especially if you don't know her. Well have fun and take care!
_Erica Lu

I wrote back:
I really don't agree with you on that awesome person thing but thats kinda why they made that little thing called freedom of speech huh? well thats okay.. see i dont like her b/c she dresses like a hoe, she can't sing and she treats people like she's royalty. I don't question why you like her so why should you question why I don't? She doesn't sell music, she sells her sex, and last time I checked she was a music entertainer not a "personal" entertainer.. but then again with all this crap going around in the music industry ya never know right? *laughs* I mean look at her, I don't think the girl could come any more of a hoe:

I rest my case :)

Friday 07/20/2001 0:17:11am
Name: jackii
Homepage: http://
Why do you dislike Willabeast?:
Comments about my site: why do you hate her so much? i mean, we're all human, she didn't do anything to nick, he's alive... so far... pick on some real monsters, like britney and her inflated self!

Right, so you're questioning why I dislike Willa but yet you turn around and tell me to dislike Britney. Can we say hypocrite? *groans* And like I've said a million times, I don't care that she went out with Nick *claps hands* yay they went out.. I don't give a fuck. I don't like the bitch because she's rude, cocky, talentless, and believes in selling sex rather then music.

From : Sweethet16@aol.com
To : willathereject@hotmail.com
Subject : your a loser!
Date : Fri, 20 Jul 2001 20:57:45 EDT
get a life you bratty morally deprived piece of trash! do you personally know her? i bet you've never met her before. I think some one's just a wee bit jealous of a girl who has more talent in her pinky than you do in all of your body and mind, it's really pathetic that you spend all this time bashing a girl whom you don't even know!

I wrote back:
OMG.. lmao...sorry now that I'm done laughing: I'm bratty? Did I email you and try to insult you? No.. do YOU personally know her? I also bet you've never met her before. And hun I'm not jealous, how could I be jealous of Willa? She has no talent and she's a whore. Now do you wanna try and tell me WHAT there is on her to be jealous of? And you sit here and tell me that it's pathetic that I spend time bashing someone I don't know. Well hey I think it's pathetic that you spend all this time standing up for someone YOU don't know, and I also think it's pathetic that you went to my anti-site but yet you LIKE Willa.. I think you may be just a LITTLE bit confused on who has all this time on their hands. I don't like Willa.. what the fuck is it to you?

She wrote back again:
From : Sweethet16@aol.com
To : willathereject@hotmail.com
Subject : a little laugh
Date : Sat, 21 Jul 2001 12:37:06 EDT
I hope you have a great laugh! but, I hate to tell you this but that email you sent me just shows me how much of a loser you really are! I went to your site because a friend of mine emailed it to me because she thought it was funny, but I never expected to see what I saw on the site, I just can't believe you'd put so much time and effort in a site just to put them down, I'm sorry if you have some weird obsession with a backstreet boy, or maybe you don't even like them which would make you look even worse. I really couldn't give a shit about Willa Ford, I don't really care for her music, it's just the idea of taking all that time on a junky site to make fun of someone you don't even know. I may not know her, but I have no reason to hate her, it's one thing if she's a bitch to you but you haven't even met her, and that's pathetic!

So I emailed her again:
Actually I had a wonderful laugh. And it'd be one thing if it took all of my "time and effort" to make the site, but in all reality it took 10 minutes. And no- I don't have a weird obsession with anyone. And like I said it didn't take all my time to make the site. And if you'd listen I don't HATE her.. HATE is a very strong word. and if you look on my site not once does it say I HATE her.. I am in the music business- or at least in the process of gettin there, and to just see people like her, that just walk in by using someone, spreading her legs, having no talent and actually getting somewhere by selling her sex, its highly offensive. And if you would have taken the time to READ my disclaimer you would have realized that this is a humor site- its for fun. That's why it took about 10 minutes to make and its NOT serious.. its not like I have ways to kill her- and it's like uncle cracker said- "if you can't handle the business and all that comes with it- get the fuck out." Oh and by the way, I have met Willa before so eat that and your accusation that I haven't met her.

She emailed me back again:
From : Sweethet16@aol.com
To : willathereject@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: a little laugh
Date : Sun, 22 Jul 2001 16:34:54 EDT
First of all, I didn't realize that was the purpose of your site, I didn't read everything, and I doubt it took ten minutes to do that. Being in the "business" I'd think you'd have more respect for someone in it also, so she uses sex to sell records, but so what? Sex isn't something to be ashamed of. So, I think it's fucking dumb that we keep writing each other and going on about Willa. Like I said before, I don't give a flying fuck about Willa, I don't like her music at all, I just don't like your website, and it's negativity toward a person who has tried hard to be where she is, and hasn't done anything to you as a person.

I wrote back again:
No, I couldn't have respect for someone who doesn't do anything but show cleavage, open her legs and sing into a computer so it changes her voice. And I never said sex was something TO be ashamed of- it's just extremely clear that Willa is in this business for all the wrong reasons, the girl fucking dropped out *which means she didn't get a tutor on the road or get a degree* of high school do become a "singer". And please, she worked hard to get where she was? This is something I have to agree with you 100% on- she worked hard at improving her blow job skills to get where she wants. It be totally different if she actually made it on her own and didn't make it off someone else's name. One minute she's no one, she goes out with Nick and BAM she's got a record deal. No one had even heard of Willa before she went out with Nick- and im supposed to think she worked hard to get where she is? If she had been on the music scene for 3 years doing club gigs before landing a record deal like Korn then I could understand. Or if she spent countless hours singing in high school gymnasiums before gettin gigs at Sea World like the Backstreet boys- then I could understand again. Or if she was living out of her car, starving, doing gigs just to get food like Jewel before she made it big, again I could understand, But no the girl goes out with someone, begs him to get her an interview for and hot shit- she's on TRL. It's totally and complete bullshit, she made NO sacrifices *that she regrets*, to be here. She fucking didn't even break a sweat. She glided in the aftershock of her boyfriends name- pathetic. And right now, I couldn't care less if you don't like Willa- I'd have a whole lot of respect for her if she would have tried to get a record deal on her own. But she let someone else do it for her. And don't tell me that she has talent or else the record companies wouldn't have signed her- trust me, If you've got millions telling them that you rock, they wont say no.

From : PLSSA@aol.com
To : willathereject@hotmail.com
Subject : you know what
Date : Sat, 21 Jul 2001 10:29:08 EDT
someone really needs to kick your ass BAD

I wrote back:
*giggles* really? Awww I'm sorry if you can't handle someone else's opinions that you don't agree with..

Monday 07/23/2001 11:12:23am
Name: Ayrn Sedore
Homepage: http://
E-Mail: AYRN386@peoplepc.com
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: i dont
Comments about my site: yall beolng on the hall of losers. this shit is pathetic.and you make fun of willa?child please!all of yall ugly girls usually hate on britney and willa b/c u like bsb or nsync.get a reality check nick and justin go for pretty girls not their fat and ugly 13 year old fans.so stop hatin.

LMAO right cuz in this case its not about talent *since willa obviously has NONE* god I'll be the first to admit it- I was WRONG, it was NEVER about talent, this whole industry isn't about talent, I guess you could be a talentless toad like Willa but as long as ya got the looks like her its all good. *returns back to reality*
Right....... go back to thinking that way and one day your going to get a big slap in the face, and I'd pay good money to see that :)

Wednesday 07/25/2001 0:15:23am
Name: allyson
Homepage: http://i have better things to do with my time *Right like emailing sites in which you don't agree with? LOL so much for the better things to do with you're time*
E-Mail: y you gotta know
City/Country: okinawa japan
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: i like her style
Comments about my site: HOLD UP....heas the smack down..yall dont know what you talkin bout. do you know how pethedic you sound?? im mean its ok not to like her i mean im not a huge fan or notin but why waste all your time makin a web site bout this shyt?? anyways yall are just jealous!!!

Did Justin Timberlake just sign my guestbook? *Sorry I had to say it with the way this person wrote in my guestbook LOL* Like I've said A LOT before.. trust me on this one, it didn't take all the much time to make this site- and like I said- trust me you idiots, I'm the one who made it so DUH, I'd know how much time I spent making it. Right, of course, why didn't I think of this, I'm jealous of Willa. *Rolls Eyes*

Date : Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:05:51 -0400

Right, I belong here in the "Hall Of Losers" but wait- what's this? YOU'RE HERE. No actually, I changed my mind, you're pathetic. And sorry, but you're delusional if you think your opinion means something to me but guess what? Your opinion means jack-fucking-shit wanna know why? You weren't mature enough to email me with respect and respect my opinion so this is what I have to say to you and your opinion. Fuck You. You need a gooddamn reality check, you coming to MY site and emailing ME dissing me is going to prove what? That you're an immature child? Or that you think Willa is going to like you more because she knows that you're sticking up for her like some of her other nutty fans that have left me messages. I mean you say I'm pathetic because I don't like someone or maybe it's because I made the site I'm pathetic but if that's the case then what the fuck are YOU doing at my site?

Date : Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:02:50 -0400

God why wont you go away? This is the second freaking email you've sent me not counting the entry you left me in my guestbook. Get over it. I don't like Willa, you do. Jesus, you're acting like a girl who just lost her virginity to her boyfriend and then got dumped.- Yeah it must have took a lot for you to give me a piece of your mind, especially when there wasn't that much to give in the first place. I think it's exactly the opposite, you're a psychotic Willa fan who thinks by supporting her you're going to get a chance with Nick. Sorry to say hun, but just because you like her doesn't mean you're going to have a chance with Nick, or hell even meet him. That may not be the reason you like her but see it's not fun when someone tells you why you like her, when they don't know, just like it's not fun when you tell me why I dislike her when you really don't have a clue, but you pretend you do. I mean you call me a child but yet, you come to my anti-site when your a fan, and email me twice, and sign my guestbook once and bitch me out, yelling at me telling me I don't even know her, but yet you go on to say I'm 13 or 14 and I have low self-esteem and that I'm ugly and fat and I'll never be as pretty as Willa- when *GASP* you don't know me either. So when you get over your allodoxaphobia, and stop being a hypocrite, please do write me again.

Thursday 07/26/2001 8:36:16pm
Name: Lindsay
Homepage: http://
E-Mail: TheDitzyOne1286@home.com
City/Country: not saying
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: she writes her own music
Comments about my site: okay you girls/guys who don't like willa are just jealous, I'm not being mean about what I going to say and I'm not a big fan of her but i even don't like how she dresses but I like how she writes her songs and she has a great voice. Compared to Britney Spears...Britney SUX. I'm just saying you all are jealous of Willa for some odd reason. I think she's cool...I have no problem with her. If you guyz have problems with her deal with it because she's going to be out for a long long time. Thank you for your time. Bye!

If you don't even know why you 'think' we are jealous of willa "I'm just saying you all are jealous of Willa for some odd reason" then that just proves you are full of shit- I'm not jealous of her, I have no reason to be, she has nothing that I want. So why don't you face it and realize that we don't like her because she has a horrible personality and NO talent. *smiles* Why do you hate Britney? See I could go and be a total bitch like you were and say that you are just jealous of Britney- so why don't you actually ask someone why they don't like someone before you go and become a hypocrite like everyone else on this page...

Wednesday 11/14/2001 4:56:20pm
Name: Mandygrl227
Homepage: http://
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: I love her.
Comments about my site: When will you anti's grow up? Are you tired yet of harrassing the poor girl? She's been through soo freakin much, and now she finally has the fame she deserves. You people said she's be a one hit wonder right? Now she has another ever better song out. Give her a break.

MY bad. I forgot to realize you KNOW her. And it also must have slipped my mind that she lived SUCH a terrible life and has been through so much. *shakes head* It must have been terribly hard to live a perfectly normal life, with parents, siblings and a roof over her head. Not to mention how hard it was for her to get Nick to like her so HE could get HER a record deal... thats some hard life. And well, ya know we don't like her, you do. Get over it. We don't go to Willa sites and write nasty things in YOUR guestbook now do we? Oh and I guess you thinking Did Ya Understand That was a better song than IWBB..then well *laughs* I guess thats just difference of opinion. LOL.

Sunday 04/28/2002 3:02:13pm
Name: Janis Joplin
Homepage: http://
E-Mail: questionmark@hotmail.com
City/Country: New York USA
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: get a life
Comments about my site: Okay, Willa Ford has no talent and is a slut. Duh, that's a given. don't you have better things to do though, than just dedicateing a site to bashing her? Make a site promoting the sorry gay backstreet boys and p-poor little nicky. Can't you just let her do her annoying, slutty, ugly, unrefined thing? For god's sake, why is it your problem??

I'm glad we've established that she has no talent and is a slut. And actually I do have better things to do than to run this site. I'm far to busy to update this site as much as I would like to. But as you can see I haven't updated this site since: July 12th, 2001. As of right now it is June 5th, so yeah I could totally understand how I dedicate all my time to this site. See this is something you computer illiterate people don't seem to understand. It's called HTML. It takes 3 seconds for me to put everyone's opinions in this page. Not all day. And you should defiantly talk about having too much time. You seem to be damn busy yourself, going to Anti-Willa sites and sticking up for her, maybe your the one that should get a life huh? And I never said I liked BSB did I? No thank you.

Thursday 07/11/2002 2:36:45pm
Name: Slajana
Homepage: http://
E-Mail: dancing_queen903@yahoo.com
City/Country: Bitola,Macedonia
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: WILLA ROCKS!!!!! SHE IS NUMBER 1!
Comments about my site: YOU SUCK,AND YOUR PAGE TOO!

Riiiggghhhttt.. Willa number one? That's got to be the funniest thing I've ever heard. Number one at what? Being a fake, slutty, trailer trash whore? Well then fuck she's got my vote too! And hun, if your going to take the time out of your "busy" life to come to MY website and insult me... please please please... come up with something better than, "you such and your page too" it really does show your lack of imagination. Have a nice day.

Monday 07/22/2002 3:36:56pm
Name: Hmm...John
Homepage: http://askche.nstemp.com
City/Country: Idahoanecia
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: I have nothing against her..I'd fuck her
Comments about my site: I think you make stupid points, and this site was a waste of time...Youre obviously a loser who either has sexual frustration built up because u wanna fuck her, or youre jealous of her. I dont know her, and I dont care about her...I would just like to point out that I'd fuck her in every hole possible...

That's just plain nasty john... after you do fuck her in every whole possible I'd really go and have yourself checked out for aids.. HIV.. gonorrhea.. she's bound to have one of those.... wow... i could really give two fucks less if you think I made stupid points because in all reality you made really stupid points. *rolls eyes and has dry sarcasm* oh yes, you've got me.. the whole reason I've made this site is because in reality I want to fuck Willa. *speechless* I don't know what to say to that stupid comment other than, why dont you ask my boyfriend if I'm a lesbian.. I just sucked his dick tonight so im sure he'd have a good answer for ya. *shakes head* stupid fuck.

Monday 07/22/2002 3:42:11pm
Name: .....
Homepage: http://..........
E-Mail: ............
City/Country: ...........
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: .........
Comments about my site: That shirt shes wearing is ur brother...? whys he so hairy...?

LMAO... that MUST def. be a Willa fan. No questions asked! LOL... wow.

Monday 07/22/2002 3:45:30pm
Name: John
Homepage: http://askche.nstemp.com
City/Country: Idahoanecia
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: I would fuck her...I dont like her...
Comments about my site: I'm wondering why you dont have a pic of yourself on this site...? Are you a fat lesbian who really wants to fuck Willa...? Do you have excesive facial hair? Is your penis uncomfortably large, and no one excepts you because of it (If you are a woman...)?

wow. *speaks slowly* I... don't... have... a... pic... of... myself... on... this... site... john... because... this... is... a... willa... site... not... my... site... so... therefore... I... wouldn't... have... a... pic... of... myself... on... it... and why in the fuck would I lie about being a woman?*shakes head* wtf... why are you so obsessed about me being a lesbian fucking willa.. damn boy get your fuckin fantasies in check.

Monday 07/22/2002 3:55:27pm
Name: John
Homepage: http://askche.nstemp.com
City/Country: Idahoanecia
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: I WOULD FUCK HER! Then run away laughing
Comments about my site: Get over BSB...you dirty fucking loser...I cant believe I wasted my time fucking reding this site...I understand Willa s fake and an asshole (maybe, I dont know her) but fucking get over it and move on w/ your life! You pathetic BSB fan...look at those anal fucks! Nick and any other BSB member will never love you! theyre too busy ramming their male sex organs (cocks) into each other assholes!!!
P.S. DIE...slowly, painfully and miserably...

Okay maybe if you'd stop being a fucking hyprocritical loser and actually read this fucking site instead of running your big fucking mouth you'd realise that I don't like Nick, or could I give two fucking cents about him and Willa. WOW.. they went out.. OMG they fucked.. WHO FUCKING CARES! Obviously you give a care or else you wouldn't have broughten it up. And like I care that you say the BSB are fucking eachother.. and even if they were.. yay for them! who cares? Now go get a fucking life instead of writing THREE times in my guestbook about someone you don't even like, and only wanna fuck. And damn, your so fucking annoying that I'm sure Willa wouldn't even fuck you! (*well.. maybe not... LOL*) And why would you run away laughing after you fucked her? Do you really not like her? If you really don't like her what was the point of coming to my site and dissin me for not liking her.. you obviously have the time to come to anti-willa sites that you could fucking make one of your own!!

Thursday 07/25/2002 2:25:34pm
Name: Max
Homepage: http://
E-Mail: j@j.com
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: The negativity directed toward Willa Ford
Comments about my site: Hmm,nothing beats seeing angry backstreet boy fans diss Willa because she dumped Nick Carter's corny ass.Now I think we both know Willa Ford isn't the best singer out there right now but she dumped Nick 2 years ago can't you backstreet boys fans get over it?I mean why don't you diss Amanda Latone caz dissing Willa is kind of old.If willa is a beast then you guys are the mosquitos dwelling on it!!!Willa may be bad but she would be a better babysitter than Tommy Lee!So let's be nice and respect tiffany I mean WIlla(happens every 14 years)

You fucking hyprocical people really get to me! You yell at me because I'm dissing willa but yet you go on to diss Tommy Lee, and tell me to diss Amanda Latona... wtf? okay that makes a whole lota since! *sigh* again like I've said MANY MANY MANY MANY times before I don't like Nic..... FUCK IT. You people are fucking idiots. I may not know you but I sure as hell know that you are a hypricital fuck who really needs to let people have their own opinions! Damn... and hello, what Willa Ford does is called Singing (*at least I think...*) and therefore she should be good at it! It doesn't work like.. oh we all know Willa sucks at singing but lets cut her a break... HELLO.... and wtf is up with calling Willa Tiffany and then saying it happends ever 14 years... you Willa fans should really consider commiting yourselves..

Thursday 08/01/2002 4:18:36pm
Name: Angela
Homepage: not online yet
E-Mail: switch12@ivillage.com
City/Country: US of A
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: I know very little about her
Comments about my site: Ok, I have absolutely nothing against you (at least, not for hating Schmandy) To diffuse your arguments before you start, I visited this website because a friend said it was really great. I do have a life, but I also have several nervous tics due to my brothers tendency to scare the s*** out of me whenever possible. But that's totally irrelevant. My question: how old are you? I only ask this because you have the crappiest spelling I've ever seen, with the exception of my 6 year-old sister. It's "article" not "artical" and "cynical" not "sinnicle" Please tell the bitch who called your site "sinnicle" that she needs to get a dictionary, because not only is your site not cynical, she didn't even spell it right. Other than that, you have a pretty good anti site, as far as they go. (BTW, did you know that some of your links don't work? Rumors and Names to Call Willa) Please, by all means, put me on your hall of losers site. and email me. It's good to know that "losers" like me are worth your time. (and get a spell checker) :)

*blinks* I do have spell checker, but usually when I have time to update this site I am in a hurry and don't really give a flying fuck about my spelling. I am actually 17 years old and *shrugs* I admit I have the suckiest spelling in the world. Spelling was never a good thing for me. So what? But anyways just to let you know your not actually "here" in the hall of loser because well I don't think your a loser. So don't take being here as a bad thing kay? But yah I'll go look at those links.

From : MaNdY54911@aol.com
Subject : #1
Date : Fri, 26 Jul 2002 00:31:12 EDT
I think it sounds confident. Are you running on low self esteem today? we all have good days, and we have bad days. Prom night, I think I looked stunning. is that bad? No. it shows you are happy with who you are. Graduation, I think I looked pretty damn good. I wasn't flaunting it, I worked hard to look good, and I was proud of how I presented myself. Is there something wrong with Willa being proud of who she is? I think not. That's just my take on things.

*blinks* ....... I don't think she quite understood the whole point of that page but thats okay...... Willa doesn't need to be anymore proud of herself.. she is so full of hot air, she could float around the world without a hot air balloon.

Saturday 08/17/2002 7:41:53am
Name: Boycott The BackCrap Boys
Homepage: http://
Why do you dislike Willabeast?:
Comments about my site: Man, you BSB fans are just so fucking pathetic. Willa's a great singer and she's got tremendous talent, and I pity you jealous teenyboppers out there who despise her for the sick of an immoral idiot like Nick Carter

I don't like the backstreet boys so why don't you get your fucking facts straight before you come to my site and be a bitch got it? And before I even start on how big of a fucking hypocrite you are, let me state the fact that Nick and Willa aren't dating. So therefore how could I bet jealous of her for dating Nick...huumm right and it's okay for you to come to someone else's website, criticize their opinion of disliking Willa, yet you hate the backstreet boys. So right, I'm supposed to take you seriously, and agree that Willa is oh so talented and so wonderful. RIGHT. My piece of advice for you, learn to respect other peoples opinions, you don't like the backstreet boys? That's great I could give a fuck less, I don't like Willa and I never will. Deal with it. And while your at it, listen to some good music for once, all of Willas shit music that you listen to is really starting to get to your head.

Sat, 28 Sep 2002
From :AgUiLeRaSmAnn@aol.com
Subject : hi
Date :Sat, 28 Sep 2002
u webpage stinks,willa is kool

*Looks around* huumm.. my webpage, stinks? Wow I didn't know 3rd graders even knew how to use the internet.

Thu, 12 Sep 2002
From : JSterling58@webtv.net
Subject : Willa
Willa Ford .........what can i say,,,,,,oh yeah,i can say that willa is talented and beautiful, and that you are some skank whore teenie bopper who wants Dick Carter, Fuck you you evil, heartless slut!

Alright listen here you stupid little kid. Willa is NOT tallent or beautiful, much much far from it. I'm not a teenybopper thank you very much and I do NOT want Nick Carter. So get your fucking facts straight before you come back to my site. Oh, by the way, what kind of a person does that make YOU when you search the internet for anti-willa sites and then proceed to insult me and be extreemly rude to me? And since my site is for simply for humor reasons only, it makes you look like a really, really big ASS.

(Wow some people really like making themselves look STUPID.) From: TriumphD@aol.com
Subject: Hmmm...
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 14:39:32 EDT

Where can i start? im sitting here wondering what kind of a life you can actually have if you dedicate a majority of your time into an anti-site to any artist. shes famous, whether you like it or not, she did actually date a bsb, whether she broke up with him or not, how superficial are you if you say she shoulda stayed with him just for his name or his face? and she was one of mtvs sexiest people under 25. face it bitch, shes hot, and im willing to bet that you are not.
listening to willa now and then,

Humm where should I start? I'm thinking maybe you should get your information straight before you send an email to someone proclaiming you know what your talking about, which might I add you don't. I don't dedicate a majority of my time on that site, if you'd actually looked it has the latest date in which I updated on the site and it hasn't been for a while. And it makes me wonder what kind of a life YOU have, considering you seek out "Anti- Willa" sites and then send the owners of the site a email proclaiming your love for Willa and how much the owner of the website sucks. And sweetie, i NEVER said that Willa should have stayed with the Backstreet boy she dated.. so get your fucking information straight before you proceed to make me "feel stupid" ok? And hey even MTV makes mistakes right? And you proclaiming she's "hot", well thats your opinion sweetheart.. but you don't know me, so why do you take your opinion of me, and shove it far up that ass of yours.. after you've removed your head. Thanks and have a great day asshole.
ps: incase you haven't yet realize, my website, it's a humor site. It's for entertainment purposes only. Kinda like that Willa album your listing to "now and then".

Tuesday 09/17/2002 9:24:45pm
Name: Dumb freaks who actually like this site!
Homepage: http://www.Yousuckurdad.com
E-Mail: screwinurmom@urhouse.com
City/Country: Fucking freaks who r full of it.
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: Nothing she's great.
Comments about my site: You really suck you dumb freak of nature. You only make fun of people cuz you have no friends. I pity people like you. Making fun of people who are better than you is no way to solve your problems.

I have a lot of friend’s thank you plus an extremely hot boyfriend, and those two factors are the reason why I don't get to update this site as much as I'd like to, like I’ve said a many, many times before. And how can you say you pity me because I make fun of people, when you told me, "you suck you dumb freak of nature". I actually pity people like you, people who are hypocrites and don't let other people have their own opinions. And why do you go to anti-willa sites and stick up for her, it's not like she actually READS this...

Saturday 09/21/2002 0:47:17am
Name: Rap Metal Fan against the Backshit Boys
City/Country: U.S.A.
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: I don't! >:p Her music isn't as poppy.
Comments about my site: Well, something odd just struck my mind today. I've noticed that we haven't heard from the dear ol' Backcrap boys in a long long while. Hmmm...could it be that their career has finally come to an end like I said it would? Hahahaha finally, the disease which is the BSB has finally been desimated. *LOL*, and Willa, well, looks like Willa is still around working for an MTV show called "I BET YOU WILL". Wow, looks like Willa's still popular, and for those of you that doubted her, well, you can all bow down before her now. Hahahahahahahahaha Willa will rule on forever, and BSB obviously won't. *LOL*

Dude just because willa is on some gay MTV show does NOT mean she's popular. It means she's a sellout but by no means does it mean she's popular. And who gives a flying fuck if she's on some gay ass mtv show that airs on weeknights at midnight WHEN NO ONE WATCHES IT. for god sakes person, wake up that puny brain of yours and realize that she's a fucking sellout who's only in this business to get famous. She has no passion for singing, just being adored and famous and BLAH BLAH. Willa=sellout.

Wednesday 12/25/2002 9:41:39pm
Name: This sick is a piece of junk!
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: I don't
Comments about my site: Ur site is the a piece of crap! Worse design i have ever seen and you make fun of ppl. LOL! Plus the BSB are also shit and willa will atleast outlive them.

Actually my web site is quite nice thank you very much. It's a whole lot fucking better than anything you could ever do in your whole entire life. And who cares if I make fun of people. You’re a psycho.. I mean hello you just said willa would outlive the BSB, what are you GOD? lmao... please someone call the institute, there's been a looney runnin around here. lmao.

Thursday 01/30/2003 5:19:42pm
Name: Jessica Lopez-Johnson
E-Mail: babyphat_013@yahoo.com
City/Country: Los Angeles/U.S.A
Why do you dislike Willabeast?:

That's nice if you think Willa Ford is the best singer out there in the industry. But before you listen to her album again maybe you should REMOVE YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS and really listen. "If u dont like willa fuck u and stop hating her" yes of course that is the way to get someone to agree with you. Well, I THINK if you don't like Willa FUCK YOU stop liking her. Bitch. And if YOU have a problem then YOU can come back to MY ANTI WILLA SITE and fucking deal. I half wonder if Willa fans don't know how to read. They like willa yet they come to a site that says, ANTI on it. Hummmm.

Tuesday 07/08/2003 12:49:18am
Name: Traviso Zachero
Homepage: http://up ur ass
E-Mail: tatu_boy03@yahoo.com
City/Country: F-U
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: i LOVE her
Comments about my site: It sux so does nick carter and his kkk group. they can lick my ass-holeio

if this entry even made any SENSE then maybe I'd have something to say... lol retarted willa fans.

Friday 12/31/2004 1:26:32am
Name: Billy
Homepage: http://www.xanga.com/WillaFord411
E-Mail: Pisces31289@aol.com
City/Country: USA
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: read below for the truth!!
Comments about my site: Dear anti-Willa site,
I have a name to call Willa, THE MOST TALENTED MUSICIAN IN THE WORLD! Willa is a singer/songwriter/producer/vocal & music arranger/co-director/co-choreographer/music & beat creator/supermodel/actress with MUCH TALENT! There is something wrong with you and your site, you seriously are a whole bunch of jealous white girls with an attitude as if you are the children of satan himself. Willa is no where being near a pageon or hoe, we were all born naked and shouldn't be ashamed (so she ain't a hoe), she is a devoted Christian and just because she shows a lot of skin, doesn't mean she is a hoe (like I said, God made us naked)! And this Willa controversy started over a fake letter, and even if Willa did emotional or physically hurt Nick (he probably abused her first, look at Paris Hilton, who had bruises most likely from him). She can sing too, go to VH1 and watch her sing opera and look at the teen-sensation performance, where she can hit notes like Mariah! You pagaeons who have no idea what your talking about, should put your time into something creative and useful! Try helping the victims of 9-11, the tsunami victims, the red cross, handicapped children, instead of trying to destroy the most talented musician in the world. And Willa is always on VH1, sometimes MTV, and her new show on a channel I won't name starts in a few weeks! Willa DID graduate high school with a 4.25 GPA and is a very talented young lady! You are all pathetic and I suggest you get some good deeds in, to stop your visit to hell!
p.s.- Any useless junk sent back to me will not be read, I have fully made my point and the truth!!

I love when psycho willa fans pretend to know her. Maybe if they knew how to read they'd read the disclaimer and realize that this site is for laughs. It's too bad they're just as retarted as Willa. Ok lets take a look at this entry. Ok so I have an attitude as if I am the child of satan myself? ok. someone watches a little too much point pleasant..lol. LMFAO she's a divoted christian. ARE YOU SERIOUS? if willa ever walked into a church she'd bust into fucking flames! The girl is a HOE. and by the way, YOU ARE DUMB! blah blah blah, Nick beat her and paris, blah blah BLAH WHO FUCKING CARES! FUCK NICK! and maybe YOU should do some good deeds instead of wasting your time insulting a person YOU dont know and a website you don't agree with in the first place! or maybe you should just stop surfing the web looking for sites you don't agree with.

Tuesday 01/11/2005 4:05:01pm
Name: willasfan4life
Why do you dislike Willabeast?: omg i dont
Comments about my site: omg how can anyone write this shit bout ms willa ford? she's awesome, sweet, funny. and not to mention, TALENTED. i dont understand it. i dont get why all of you anti-willa fans dont like her. shes very likeable (and I dont mean, dislikealbe.) shes a really sweet person. people need to lay off her. shes human like everyone else. go talk about someone else other than a backstreet boys' ex-girlfriend.

OMG like OMG if you don't like OMG like my website then like OMG don't come here like okay? Airhead.

Monday 01/31/2005 1:46:27pm
Name: Matt
Why do you dislike Willabeast?:
Comments about my site: Wow. I don't really know who Willa Ford is other than a pretty hot body in FHM and STUFF, but you need a LIFE. God, go get a hobby other than spending your days after highschool gets out plotting against someone you don't and never will know. What did Will Ford do to you? Look better and make all the boys blush when you couldn't? Hey, I'll say this, you can hate Willa Ford all you want buddy, but she's more famous, has more money, and more people know her than you EVER will. So go ahead and put your negative energy on something else, because even if she saw this site, she'd write a song about it or write it on her ass and take a picture and make MILLIONS off of your own shit. Loser.

*raises eyebrows*
wow looks like im getting picked on by the boys now. lol. Don't worry about my money asshole, I own a house thats could go for 300,000$, I own 5 cars and go to a expensive college, and I paid for everything myself. So why don't you worry about yourself and go back to jacking off to FHM and STUFF. jackass.

okay, I'm done writing in the hall of losers. now everyone has a prime example of all the assholes that are willa fans and therefore my job is done. if i feel like addding more then I will but I feel that by me making this page it just gives all the assholes who just want me to start a fight a reason to write in my guestbook. this site was made for all the people who for whatever reason doesnt like willa. And if people who like willa come here, then oh well. if you dont like it then leave. no one forced u to come here and read this site, you can have your own opinion about willa and so can I if you dont like my opinion then click out of this site and go to a pro willa site.

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