Identity Crisis?

This is Mandy's story told by...well who else but ME!! A lot of stuff in this story didn't happen but all the pictures are real!

Okay here's the story. Nick gets a girlfriend and fans hate her from the start because she is mean and abusive to Nick and his fans.

She see's that all the fans love Amanda (AJ's girlfriend at the time). She see's that Amanda has this really cool tattoo..

And decides to get a tatto to match Amanda's. She thinks hey, we both have the same name maybe the fans will get us mixed up.

But she soon realizes that the fans dont buy it and they know that its really her, NOT Amanda.

Then she see's that Brian has a loving, respectable girlfriend named Leighanne. All of the fans love her.

So Mandy tries to make her hair and clothes to look like Leighanne's so the Backstreet fans love her too.

But it doesn't work. Mandy see's that and notices that maybe the hair and cloths thing were a little too obvious...She see's that Leighanne carries Tyke around in her bag...

So she tries to stuff her ugly dog into her bag and give it a try.

But people don't buy that either. Mandy comes to realize that no matter which Backstreet Girlfriend she copies off. The fans will always know it is she comes up with this GREAT idea...

Willa dumbass tries to dye her hair black so the Backstreet fans won't recognize her and think she's someone else, so they'll finally like her. But Willa news flash. We're not dumb like you.

Oh where did Willa Ford go??

She soon comes to another tragic realization. The evil Backstreet fans found out who she was!**Oh no!** So she thinks...and thinks...and thinks...and thinks...and thinks...and thinks...and thinks...and thinks...and thinks...ann..*snores*...OH *wipes drool* my bad..

Where was I...Oh right. Yes Mandy was thinking. And finally she thought of something. She see's this video from Christina Aguilera and notices something...

She thinks that Christina's red tips are just awesome and goes and tips her hair pink for the cover album of her new debut CD. Dude if she looks like Christina someone's bound to buy her CD.

But much to Mandy's dismay, everyone thinks she just looks down right stupid...

So here it is. Nick's 21st birthday. Nick and Mandy have been over for a while now, and her record company keeps pushing back her CD release. Mandy is stuck at home watching the superbowl by herself..she see's Nick singing the National Anthem.

She knows that in order to get her record deal kickin she needs him back in her life. Goin to the first show of the Black and Blue tour didn't work.

The boys are already done singing the National Anthem and it's halftime already. Nsync, Aerosmith, Nelly, Britney Spears and Mary J. Blidge are proforming. She see's the way Justin keeps on looking down Britney's shirt and an idea pops into her head. (Yeah I know..another idea..)

She'll dress like Britney Spears so Nick will noitice her.

But Nick doesn't buy it. The fans doesn't buy it. Willa hangs up her sock (haha!) and tries to come up with another idea to be liked. And until then, we'll be waiting and watching! :)

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