
Things here are called rumors. If you see them here it means that I do not know if they are true or not.

7/25/01: It's been going around that Willa sold 30,000 Albums in her first week... *busts out laughign* *tries to contain her giggles* That's very *giggles* wonderful, she did such a *giggles* great job. AHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA... *this is not a rumor- if you want to know what the numbers are and stuff then go to my news section...*

3/8:LMFAO, omg get this Willasluts new album is coming out on July 10th and omg LMAO get what I heard she was going to name it: Willa's World. Now isn't that the icing on the motherfuckin cake! lol jesus that girl thinks she's on top of the world and she aint shit! man this girl just gets stupider and stupider, damn...

2/8: LMAO there is this new rumor going around that Mandy changed her name once again..LOL to, get this, Mandah Lee..lmao..Okay sorry but she uses Willa Ford cuz it had to do with her last name, first she used Mandah for her first name and NOW she's using Mandah Lee for her first and last! LOL didn't she already do Mandah? Man this girl is stupid! If she actually wants fans she needs to stop changing her friggin name..they wont know who is she cuz well...if their mandy fans..there not too bright..

1/23: ManDUH was spotted last night at the opening concert on the Black and blue tour. Spotters said it was definately her and she was trying to get Nick's attention... **LMAO can't this girl just give up? Pleaze! Someone get this girl a dog...**

(PS: Evidentally even though the Willabeast was spotted at the concert- I've heard she didn't get to go backstage) **Gee wonder why...Nick doesn't want your skanky ass..GET A CLUE!!**

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