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My notes will be like this (*blah) Speaking of relationships, you used to have a pretty famous one -- with Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. (*no really I thought she went out with Flea from Red Hot Chilli Peppers...) And the fans were really harsh -- showing up with "Die Willa" signs and everything.

Willa: "It was weird. It was hard.(*HEY! it's like uncle cracker said, if you can't handle it get out of the FUCKING buisness!) You don't choose who you fall in love with. I especially didn't get to choose(*you EXPECIALLY didn't get to choose... do you think or special or something? *mocking tone* I expecially didn't get to choose.. stupid fuck). For people to ridicule you for that, and for people to make you into a monster for being in love with somebody(*okay ONE we dont think your a monstert b/c you went with nick.. get that through your bleached head, we think your a monster b/c your very rude, and you have a personality like a monster.. there IS a difference) is very, very hard on the soul.(*HA.. PLEASE dont try to act like your all deep.. it really insulting to those who are a very deep person and have genuwine souls...) It really is. I experienced, I think, true love at a very young age(*HAHAHA so you say using someone to get famous is true love? HAHAHA), which is an amazing thing. I still would, even if we're not together, I would still turn around and die for that man(*LMAO thats a GREAT one.. you SURE had me fooled.. you know you would never die for anyone but yourself..oh and i think you made a little mistake.. you'd die for his money). It's that kind of a love situation where you know that person, if you're on your deathbed, that person is going to be there.(*HA too bad you wont be with nick and your husband who is a job-less ex-boyband member will be fucking the blonde down the street.. yup i bet he'll be there with you in soul!) What the fans say really doesn't matter to me(*oh yes..and we can tell by you talking about the anti-fans in EVERY interview.. and writing songs about us! Yes you really dont care do you?!?!)). It's more about what that other person says and what that other person feels, not about what they think(*am i the only one who totally thought that made NO since and she totally contradicted herself? STAY OFF THE CRACK HUNNY!). As the fans get older and grow up, I think they kind of realize it(*yes thats it.. we grew out of hating barbra striesand so we hate you now!! ). They kind of find other things to do with their time, other than try to make up(*see it'd be different if we actually made stuff up but we dont have to.. your such a horrible person that we dont even need to make shit up to make you look bad!) stories and ridicule you for just being you. When people hate you for being you it's like, 'What did I do to you?'" (*you really dont get it do you? god.. is she THAT clueless!?)

Okay Willa Hunny DONT talk.. it just makes us hate you even more because of all the stupid things that come outa your mouth!
