The "Other" Anti-Fans

Okay I don't know about you but I am SO incredibly sick of everyone always saying, "Oh they don't like Willa because she went out with Nick, and they're just Backstreet fans, so its obvious they hate Willa." The Pro-fans say it, MTV says it, and people who think they know why we don't like Willa say it. So this is where I get to prove all those people wrong. *grins*

*The "Other" Anti-Fan is part of a new group I put together, to show everyone that fans of other artists dislike Willa, not only fans of the Backstreet Boys- so, don't fill out the form below and send it to me if you'd put Backstreet Boys as your favorite group. It'd defy the point of this page. Thanks*

If you would like to be apart of the "other" anti-fan fill this out:
Email Address:
Fav. Group:
Why you dislike Willa:
And then send it here:

Name: Leela
Email Address:
Fav. Group: various artists
Why you dislike Willa: her sounds too much like britney spears' songs, she dresses like every other blonde bombshell, she thinks she can rap, and she plain out loud god damn ugly! (even when she smiles)

Name: Cayla
Email Address:
Fav. Group: Nsync
Why you dislike Willa: She dated nick, I didnt have a crush on him, but my friend did and she was always whining about it so i'm glad thats over. But thats not the only reason ppl hate her, jeez she looks like a hoochie, she sings like crap, and she's just gross, eew I cant stand her. She just seems so fake, like she could be a life size barbie. I don't even see why ppl vote for her on trl.

Name: Allison
Email Address:
Fav. Group: nsync
Why you dislike Willa: I can't stand the way she carries herself because her actions are so degrating to women. She's also dumb as a stump and a huge hypocrite.

Name: Meghan
Email Address:
Fav. Group: No Doubt, Destiny's Child, 2Ge+her
Why you dislike Willa: Her huge ego and attitude problem. Also the image that she sends out to young girls totaly disgusts me too.

Name: Lauren
Fave group: Destiny's Child
why you dislike Willa: She sux ass!!!She can't sing or dance or dress decently, and she's just plain rude!

Name: Ashley
email address: disclosed
Fave group: BSB & O-TOWN
why you dislike Willa: I hate her becasue she thinks she's hot... her self-proclaimed stunning comment! Whatever! I DO NOT HATE HER BECAUSE I LOVE THE BACKSTREET BOYS! Brian, my fave BSB, is married, & I have no problem with Leighanne...Willa who is really Amanda Williford cannot sing...she used Nick to get famous!

Name: Jeremy
Email Address:
Fav. Group: various artists
Why you dislike Willa: She's so fake, she's an ugly freeloading whore, and she doesn't give a crap about her fans. I really despise her so much. She needs to quit being such a poser and start treating her fans more nicely. If she wants to stay in this business, she should not be so crude to them all the time cause in the future, if she keeps that act up, she'll have no career anymore.

Name: joanne
Email Address:
Fav. Group: linkin park, eminem, blink 182, & some "others"
Why you dislike Willa: ok ok i dont hate willa cuz im a bsb fan ok thats NOT it... i could go on for hours on y i hate her... ill jsut give u a few reasons... that dumb bitch stole nicks heart & threw it out JUST so she could get some recognition... i mean nothing says i love you like willa using people to get her name known.... ok and she goes on & on about how shes not another typical blonde singer. shes "better" then that... yeah ok & im jesus... shes blonde, she doesnt wear clothes, and she lip-sings... wait no she doesnt lip sing... that would be an insult to the real singer.... she goes on about singin how she wants to have sex with the world... its like hey 1 britney isnt enough!!!! britneys a slave & willa just wants to be bad while christina wants all the guys to come over... i mean COME ON!!!! not a typical blonde singer MY ASS!!!!!!!!!! plus shes ugly... she looks like she was hit by a train & dragged for miles.... omg & she lies... all she does is lie... she tells trl she didnt date nick.. she said on a radio station that she did... she has different names... alll she does is L-I-E!!!!!!!!!!! ok i think thats enough right now....

Name: Nikki
Email Address:
Fav. Group: Hanson
Why you dislike Willa: Because she's rude to her fans and the things she says are completely self centered. She has not one sympathetic bone in her body and she uses people to gain fame. She's also really fake and she has never made any attempt to better herself musically.

Name: Me
Email Address:
Fav. Group: Linkin Park
Why you dislike Willa: Dude, whoever said she looks like a life-size Barbie was way off; even a piece of plastic with nylon hair and painted on eyes and lips looks better than whatever-the-hell-she's-called-now. I am SO FREAKING FED UP of Britney and all her sh*tty-ass little clones, though at least Britney was original. Britney can sing AMAZINGLY for a blonde bimbo popstar. Christina is a slut, but when she's singing and not wailing, her voice is good, too. Mandy Moore sounds like a fricking ten-year-old when she sings, but she's getting better and she kicks Willa's butt looks-wise. Jessica is a Mariah-wannabe and she's plain odd but at least she can sing differently from all the others. Well, when she claims that she's not like Britney, she is totally right. There is a huge difference; WILLA CAN'T SING FOR SH*T. Oh, and WTF was she talking about when she said she's the female Eminem? Eminem can rap, she can't. Eminem knows he can't sing that well, so he rarely does it, she thinks she's an awesome singer. Eminem is not a slut, Eminem doesn't want to be Britney Spears, and Eminem has never dated a freaking Backstreet Boy. Okay?

Name: Meike
Email Address:
Fav. Group:Eminem, Lambretta
Why you dislike Willa:She looks like a slut, she can'T sing,she can't sing, she can't decided on her own name...besides:If she wants an example on how girls have to be if they want to become famous...sorry failed!
