TV Guide

Who is Willa Ford and why is everybody saying all these horrible things about her? Amanda Willaford, to give the tormented soul in question her full name, is another blond and perky teen diva following in the well-worn steps of Britney, Christina, Jessica and Mandy. However, Willa, to use her record-company-mandated stage name, had, until recently, the bad fortune to be the girlfriend of Nick Carter, the tallest, chubbiest, blondest, dumbest Backstreet Boy.

And Nick's fans hate her. They hate her to the extent that there are currently some 41 websites devoted to dragging Willa's blameless name through the mud. There's "Boycott Willa Ford", "Say no to Willa Ford", "Willa The Witch", "Forget About Britney, Hit Willa One More Time" and, most egregiously, "Willa Ford : She Must Be Stopped (Before she gets pregnant)". These slander-filled sites paint Willa as an ill-educated, fan-snubbing, ex-boyfriend-abusing, pet-dog maltreating, cross-eyed psycho _____.

And poor little Willa writes back to them in sweet little missives filled with Christian forgiveness. She's even taken to inviting her most bilious detractors out to dinner so they can see what a sweet and blameless person she is. The haters' response is to step up their anti-Willa campaign to even greater levels of toxicity. Expect the public appearances promoting her ironically-titled debut single, I Wanna Be Bad, to be marked with the massed hurling of eggs, rotten fruit and used condoms.

(MY NOTE: okay I have NO idea if this is really true cuz I didn't actually see the TV Guide that this was in but whoever wrote this needs to get their ass kicked...and again.. did you see people throwing rotten fruit, eggs and used condoms at Willa while she opend for BSB in early 00'?)
