
Last update: 5/14/07:
I know, really it's been too long. And I keep asking myself the same question. Why keep this site running when it hardly gets updated and I could really not give a shit about Willa? Well, as I was pondering this today I realized that the Willa fans are what keep this site up! Yes, I did say Willa fans... because when I do remember to check my email or guestbook I just laugh my fucking ass off at how mad her fans get.. LOL. And they can insult me until they are blue in the face, I'm lucky in that department where I just don't give a fuck what her fans think of me. Wish they could do the same about how I feel about Willa... Plus after hardly doing much of anything worthy Willa is finally going to be in a movie, too bad its going to be a made for TV movie about Anna Nicole Smith.. LOL. We are all so proud! HA! That's all for now I guess... see ya in another two years!

I've been really busy like always but I'm at work and have some downtime so I thought I'd do a little update, I've updated by putting a new email address that I don't have to check once a month {because sometimes I forget} (willafordthereject@yahoo.com) and Hall of Losers, Hotter than willa,

Finally!!! I've updated something!! Hotter than Willa has been updated with a few ladies. So go check it out and keep on sending me shit! I promise I'll check my mail! :)

God I've fell off the face of this planet (and website) for alomst as long as willa has. *snickers*. Sorry it's been so damn long. I've been really busy traveling, going to college (and not going to college *lol*), I moved in with my boyfriend earlier this year and it has been one constant non-stop party so I haven't really been thinking about this site. But my email address has been off and on and it's back on again. It's hard to remember to sign in to it once a month.. lol. So if ya'll wanna help get this site back and kickin send in whatever, im sure I can make a page accomidating what you send to me. So I'm out and hopefully not for as long this time.

New posts in the Hall Of Losers, new posts also in Hall of Excellancy. Sorry about not updating for a long time. Been busy.

The hall of losers has new losers posted.

I updated the posers section today and that was all.

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