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Yisra'el's Roadmap To Destruction

Every since her birth in 1948, the Nation Of Yisra'el has been in the cross-hairs of each and every one of her Arab neighbors. The Arabs see Yisra'el as a disease that has infected their land. Their ultimate desire is to see each and every Yisra'eli Citizen exterminated and the Nation Of Yisra'el completely wiped off the face of the earth.

Ever since 1991, each American President has tried to bring peace to the Middle East with "peace plans" that required Yisra'el to give up a part of her sacred "Covenant Land" - The West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights - in exchange for peace.

After "Operation Desert Storm" ended in 1991, President George Bush Sr. took it upon himself to initiate a comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East, and in November of 1991, he convened the "Madrid Peace Process". The heart of this plan required Yisra'el to give up "Land For Peace".  George Bush Sr. used the might and power of The United States Of America to literally force Yisra'el into this "peace process" with her Palistinian neighbors.

In 1993, the "Madrid Peace Plan" gave way to the "Oslo Accords" under President Clinton. The "Oslo Accords" set a timetable for Yisra'el's withdrawal from the disputed territories. The "Oslo Accords" went a step further than "The Madrid Plan" and included Yisra'el's Holy City of Yerushalayim in the disputed territories...  and by 1998, Yerushalayim became the primary territory to be given away.

In 2000, "The Oslo Accords" were passed on to President George Bush Jr. when he took office. And after "Operation Iraqi Freedom" ended in March of 2003, George Bush Jr. endorsed "The Mitchell Plan", which requires Yisra'el to stop all building activity in the West Bank settlements and get back to "the peace talks".

After endorsing this plan, Mr. Bush was approached by several ministers who told him that it was against YHWH's will to require Yisra'el to give up any part of her "Covenant Land". They pleaded with Mr. Bush to eliminate the "Land For Peace" requirement. But their pleas fell on deaf ears - as Mr. Bush proceeded to impliment "The Mitchell Plan" - as written.

A few months later, George Bush Jr. went where no other U.S. President has ever dared to tread, when he went before The United Nations Assembly and endorsed the creation of a "Democratic Palistinian State" - bordering Yisra'el - on land that would be surrendered by Yisra'el. George Bush Jr., by making that endorsement, literally plunged a dagger into Yisra'el's back... all for the cause of peace.

The Scriptures state:

For they have healed the hurt of the people slightly, saying, Peace, Peace; when there is no peace.

Jeremiah 8:11 - (Yir'miyah 8:11)

While democracy would be a noble cause for the nations throughout the Middle East, the establishment of a democratic Arab or Palistinian state on HaAretz HaHavtacha - (The Promised Land) - that YHWH has given to Yisra'el... is absolutely ludicrous.  And YHWH will pronounce judgement upon anyone who tries to make it happen.

Avraham was promised the land his descendants now occupy - and more - by YHWH Himself - as recorded in the book of Genesis - (Beresheet).

The Scriptures state:

In that same day YHWH made a covenant with Avram saying: "Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river euphrates.

Genesis 15:18 - (Beresheet 15:18)

Yisra'el doesn't even occupy a third of the land that YHWH promised Avraham and his descendants...  and for someone to use this land as a negotiating tool for peace is absolutely absured...  and totally against YHWH's will.

Anyone who has read and understood the Scriptures, knows that Yisra'el "will not" have a true and everlasting peace, until HaSAR SHALOM - (The PRINCE OF PEACE) - returns in all of HIS glory.

How couuld anyone possibly expect Yisra'el to make peace with the Arabs or Palistinians... when their greatest and lifelong desire is to kill each and every Yisra'eli on the face of the earth?!

Have our American leaders been too blind to see this?!  Will we ever get a president with enough backbone, moral courage and fortitude to stand up and tell the world that Yisra'el is the "rightful heir" of the land she now possesses?!  Will America ever have a president that will stand with Yisra'el and help defend her - and her land - against any enemy agression or attack... No Matter The Cost?!

The American people need to understand and remember that this nation was founded on the beliefs and principles of YHWH ELOHI Yisra'el - (The LORD GOD Of Israel). America would not be the nation it is today if it wasn't for the Nation Of Yisra'el and the grace of YHWH.

Being of Native American descent, I can see the descendants of Avraham being slowly forced out of their Promised Land... just as my ancestors were forced from their lands back in the 1800's. Except Yisra'el is being forced, bullied and manipulated into giving up her land... just for the sake of peace.... "A False Peace"!

At the time this article is being composed, Yisra'eli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's "Disengagement Plan" - which was previously defeated in the Knesset - has now been approved by a majority MK vote.  Yisra'el is now on the verge of pulling out of a part of her "Covenant Land".  This is a move will endanger the safety and security of Yisra'el's borders... and her people.

Although the Yisra'eli Government is making concessions for peace, Hamas has vowed to continue their terrorist attacks against Yisra'el - dispite their intended withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

And even with Hamas' threat of continued attacks, Sharon is still committed to pulling out of the Gaza Strip...  a move that will undoubtedly allow Gaza to become a terrorist stronghold!

Why is Prime Minister Sharon so dead-set on withdrawing from the territories he once fought to defend?!  Has President Bush Jr. threatened him with the might and power of the United States Of America - just like his father did back in 1991?!

Are the Christian and Jewish People in America - and around the world - going to to sit idly by and do nothing...  while our leaders are forcing this "Roadmap to Destruction" down Yisra'el's throat?!

September 11th, 2001 was a wake-up call for America. If Mr. Bush - or any future president - continues to force Yisra'el into giving up her holy land, YHWH could remove HIS protection from America... allowing terrorism, crime and natural disasters to run rampant. If this happens, we could see worse horrors than Yisra'el now faces - almost on a daily basis. We may face natural disasters that could wipe-out a large number of our population, or be witnesses to an unimaginable rise in our crime rate. We could even wake-up to a September 11th every day of the rest of our lives...  Just because our leaders caused America to become "A Thorn In The Flesh" to the "Apple Of YHWH's Eye"!

It is time for every American Christian and the American Jewish Community to stand up and make their voices heard - LOUD AND CLEAR!  It is time that we make an impact on Washington D.C.  We need to flood the White House, our Senators, our Congressmen and our State Representatives - with our phone calls, letters, e-mails and faxes, telling them that WE WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY OF OUR LEADERS FORCING YISRA'EL INTO GIVING UP EVEN ONE INCH OF HER PROMISED COVENANT LAND!  It is time that we took an unmoveable stand for Yisra'el... No Matter The Cost!  We have a responsibility to Yisra'el - and to YHWH - to make our voices be heard!

The fate of America depends on her continued commitment and support for the Nation Of Yisra'el - YHWH's Chosen People.  If we stand with her we will remain a blessed nation.....  But... if we turn our backs on her, we will be cursed... and the wrath of EL Yisra'el will come down upon us... like a black plague!

The Scriptures clearly state:

And I will bless them that bless you, and I will curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of he earth be blessed.

Genesis 12:3 - (B'eresheet 12:3)

Will America remain blessed by YHWH... or will she become cursed by YHWH?  If we want to continue to be a blessed nation... we MUST take a stand for Yisra'el... and make sure that our voices will be heard, when our leaders try to force the Yisra'eli government into something... that is against YHWH's will.

Keep this final sripture in mind:

I will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Yisra'el, whom they have scattered among the nations... "and parted my land".

Joel 3:2 - (Yoel 3:2)

R2F 06/14/2004




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