Intimate interludes would be a typical night of romance if Gary was married. The story is complete fiction. The names were changed to protect the innocent. ME!

The Characters

Husband - Gary
Wife - Wicked Wanda
Dogs - Yappy and Mongoose (both playing outside)






(In the background, we see Gary arriving home from work. He is about to enter the door)

Hello Wanda (kiss) - You look great.
Thank you, I wore this outfit just for you. (As she removes her clothes)
Oh my! You are making me blush.
But you look so lovely in pink

As Wicked Wanda gazes into Gary's eyes - Gary runs to the bathroom. He throws cold water on his face
and locks the door. Now I am safe! Phew. Boy does she look good!

Wanda takes out a hairpin and knocks the key out of the lock. It hits the edge of toilet and falls in right as Gary is flushing it. Gary realizes what has happened and leans against the door while at the same time trying to catch the key before it………….flushes. Too late. Gary holds tight against the demanding Wanda.

Wanda in the mean time went to get a hammer and a screwdriver. She begins taking the hinges off the door. She pulls the door off just in time to see Gary with one hand in the toilet and the other holding against the door that is no longer there! She helps Gary to his feet, but only after a minute. She pulls herself together and stops laughing.

Gary gathers his composure, brushes off his
dignity - heads to the living room and turns on the TV. He flicks on a hockey game - sulks - gets a beer - then some popcorn - reaches for the popcorn and goes to eat before he realizes the smell emanating from his hand and throws the popcorn back. He walks up to Wanda and caresses her hair with the same hand.

Wanda smiles and takes her loving husband over to the sink to wash his hand. She turns on the water and lets it run. She tells him how sorry she is for laughing. She soaps his hand and begins working the soap in slowly. She washes up and down his fingers with long slow strokes. Gary's breathing becomes heavy. She slides his hand under the water and he lets out a high pitched scream! She realizes that she forgot to turn on the cold water.

Gary screamed with all his might that the neighbor thought someone was being tortured. They called the police to investigate what was happening at their neighbor's dwelling. As the police arrive, they see Wanda pulling Gary toward the sink with scissors in her hands (to put on the gauze). They pull out their guns and yell stop, Gary screams (once again).

Wanda! What are you trying to do?

(A few minutes later) We see Wanda entering the police cruiser. Gary follows 5 minutes later and tells them it was a joke. She was not trying to injure him.

Now Gary is being lead off in the police cruiser yelling Wandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Wanda follows and gets the police to stop and talks them into letting Gary go. She promises the police there will be no more problems. Of course, we know that she has other plans.  Gary is going to pay for this. Tying him to the bed is his punishment. So he cannot get to the telephone and call anyone or do anything but what she wants him to. The police write down their home telephone numbers. This is just in case Gary gives her any more trouble (they cannot be more wrong). She can call them for help anytime.

Back in the house Wanda takes Gary to the bedroom and lies him down. Giving him "the look" without saying a word. In a flash she pulls out her rope and expertly ties Gary to the bed (Boy is she prepared). Gary is already plotting his escape! She decides to teach him how to behave. She goes and gets the long green feather out of the basket and comes back in the room and starts tickling his feet and working her way up.

As Wanda was getting the feather Gary struggled to escape the knots - He is a master at escaping the clutches of his captor. Nothing can stop him. Not a simple knot. He almost gets free when Wanda comes back in the room and notices the knots almost untied. She jumps on top of Gary to hold him down as she ties the knots tighter. She believes Gary is secure. However, how long will be knots hold?  She leaves the room but is always taking a glance back. She comes back with handcuffs. With a smile on her face, she handcuffs up her captive.

Gary has no reaction at Wanda attempt to remove the dust from his body. But wait. He notices that she used the standard Dominatrix series cuff  sold in all local sex shops. Gary takes out his trusted key.  While Wanda was not looking, he removes the cuffs. That Gary is fast! He handcuffs her to the bed. Now Gary has the upper hand again. He heads into the living room and gets the TV back on. He goes to the freezer and gets three ice cubes. He places them strategically on her. Thus, she can cool down.

Wanda smiles as she sees the ice in his hand and as he places it on her warm body it melts in an instant and the steam rises up in Gary's face blurring his vision. Because he was so busy thinking about his hockey game he did not stop to think that the handcuffs are hers. She knows where the button is to unlock them for when the key gets lost. She unlocks the cuffs, beats him back to the couch, changes the channel, hides the remote, and pulls the knob off the front of the TV.

Gary stands motionless in the living room wondering what happened. (jaw agape). Gary sits down and is soon bored. Gary smiles. Wanda smiles. They head towards the bedroom hand in hand. We close off the romantic episode as Gary and Wanda fall asleep in each others arms (what did you expect. For me to describe what happened after the smile. Sheeeesh.)

The End.

Thank you for stopping by.


