ArtworkArtwork : "Spirit of Flight" by Josephine Wall

         It was a moonless night when I left. And the sea tried uselessly to make me stay, tying my ankles up with foam chains. Because in the place I would have never wanted to leave, only my defeated body remained, fallen on the sand like a crashed statue, with the long hair full of salt and shells making its dark shadow longer.
        And my soul flied high to look for its lost light, in the far away islands of the paradise. But no matter how long it has wandered on the unknown wild beaches, no matter how many orangetree flowers have fallen upon it, it hasn’t found its peace. And one day it flied higher to ask God to allow it to come back and go on living, unseparated from what it loved so much. That moment, a butterfly with transparent wings flied out from God’s hands, back towards the world.
        “I have made you colorless as nobody could see you, but once you go away I have no more power on you; you will have to fight alone to stay like this. Don’t forget you are not a butterfly, but a soul, and if anybody sees you, you will have to come back without being ever able to leave a second time. And for this, you will have to be only joy and light. Don’t allow any sadness to touch you because they are the only ones that could bring the color back to your wings. The colorless butterflies are happy butterflies”
      So, I came back to watch over you till the day when both of us will be butterflies flying towards the paradise. And forgive me if, in order to stay happy, I have to imagine that you still love me. And that if, long time ago, in a moonless night, you didn’t look for me to call me back, it was only because you didn’t know where I
had gone.

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