Footprints on the snow weakly enlightened by the moon. I would like to know where they lead. I would like to know what do the traces write on the snow in their monotonous repeating. And I start following the wavey line getting lost at the horizon, to find its end and find out where the one was going, who had written those traces in the snow. And who knows, perhaps I will also find out what might he have been thinking while walking…

        I know for sure that he has stopped at least once. Here, where the pair of footprints is deeper than the others.
        He may have stopped to think about the long way calling him forward. Or he may have been looked behind. Behind, towards his footprints  that had already written in the snow the chosen way. Or forward, towards the pure white field opening all possible ways to choose among.
        He may have been wondering which of the infinite ways to choose… or he may have known from the very first which one he would choose. Anyway, after the deeper footprints, their line was more decided, clear and straight, without the hesitations of the past footprints.

        I may have been that traveller… since my steps fit exactly the footprints written in the snow. But it must have been very long ago, since I don’t remember. Or it may have been in a dream that has gone alone to look for its fulfilment, since I had forgotten it upon waking up. But only the end of the way knows this answer. That is why I will walk as long as the snow will guide my steps, looking for the dream that, once found, I will not let go again.

        But my steps get lost when I am about to reach the end… My dream is near and far… I can see it, but it is too far away for me to touch it. I can’t advance towards it anymore, since the footprints get lost in the mist there, where the snow has started melting away… and I won’t reach anymore the city where it never snows.


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Romanian version

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