Once upon a time there was a lonely tree on an endless plain. The seasons were passing over it, one after another, making it bloom, turning it green, scattering its leaves and snowing on it. It knew all flowers of the spring and all rainfalls of the fall, it was a resting place for the birds too tired of flying over the endless plain… And it also was the priceless friend of a couple of lovers, the only delicate witness of their love words… maybe that’s why the winter has never been able to freeze it, no matter how many snows have fallen down…
        But one day He did not come anymore. Only She was coming, embracing in sadness the now frozen tree, and then leaving, still lonely, moving away till She was only a black point on the horizon line, on the white infinite of the snow… and every day the same, only She and the tree, the tree every day more bent beneath the heavy burden on the ice on its body, and She, every day more transparent with every tear shattered on the frozen bark…
        The ice of the oblivion is covering all of us the same way… and when love leaves us, the same way we end: in the loneliness of frozen trees.

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Romanian version

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