Artwork : "Where Moonbeams Fall" by Josephine Wall


        When leaving a place you love, a place that has become a part of yourself, if there is no fountain around where you could throw a symbolic coin, you wish at least, deep in your mind, to come again some day... 

        And when you leave to never return, you have to leave messages behind you, for those who will step on your traces... You have to write on the sea about the nights when stars fall in its waters like blessings for the love stories sheltered by the rocks on the shore... you have to write on the sky about freedom and light, about the flight towards the islands of heaven that you once have known... you have to write on the sand symbols of love and eternity that the  first foamy wave will wipe away thus  making them eternal like the sea... And then you will know that, although you have left for good, the sand, the sky and the sea will never forget...

        Perhaps I should sign myself, with a seagull wing, on the sky, sea and sand, as I don't know whether I will ever return or my name will be the one of the unfulfilled hopes of unlived life...
        But I don't, although I am torn apart by the pain that I may leave for good without leaving anything behind. And I only make a wish like those who are going to return : to never write on the sky... on the sand... on the sea...


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