Artwork : "Bygone summers" by Josephine Wall


      How quickly you came this year, my sister… I see my shadow on the earth too early getting longer and I know you are already here and I must go… and I still had so much to do… I would ask you to allow me stay a bit more, but I know neither you can’t go back nor we can exist both at the same time… I will be the one who will leave, but please promise me to finish for me what it was still left to do…
        The travelling birds will carry, like always, my dress made of light clouds, up to the warm countries at the edge of the world, where I will wait for one year till I come back again… and I feel very sorry for that tree who remains alone, without song… I have hardly convinced him to turn green again after he had got dry for so much loneliness… If he remains alone precisely now, he will surely die of sadness… Please carress him with your warm sun and tell him I will miss him and next year I shall come again to wake him up to life, by singing leaf songs… You still have to carress the sand who is so confused about the long shadow of the twilights… And I still have some loves to crown, therefore I ask you, Fall, to seal them for eternity with your gold.


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