Artwork "Rainbow Girl" by Josephine Wall

        There are tender dreams about a spirit of light who has all colors of the world in her power, to give life to all mornings, flying over the earth, the rainbow in her hand.
        Only this princess of the rainbow knows how to unweave the White of the light in millions of colors. She leaves the Violet to soothe the sadness of the gone night that will bring it along again, in the evening when coming back to cover the earth. She also gives the sun the torrid Orange, the hot, passionate color of the fire. And over all the fields the sun flower turns around to tell "good morning" to the one who gives it, again and again, the splendid Yellow.
        Pity that Indigo storms darken the sky of the afternoons destroying everything in their way…
        Only the sunset remains to bleed the Red of the lost love… and at the violet gates of the night, the princess’ tears, Blue as the sea that she will never see again.

        In the morning, when I wake up, I discover that what is left out of me is a weave of only two colors : the mourning Black of the soul and the Green of its mirrors.


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