Once upon a time, by the edge of the sea, there was a rock older than time, where a lonely Unicorn used to come to watch the sea in the sunset, soothing his sadness with its song. He always came feeling lonely and he left feeling even lonelier and sadder. When the night fell and only his misty horn was hypnotically lighting his way in the dark, his tears dropped on the ground, one by one.
        But one day, in the twilight, the sea gathered all its waves at the rock’s feet. The Unicorn watched without understanding. He had never seen so much foam wash together, had never seen so great a meeting of waves. Then, out of the sparkling foam, she was born. And when she climbed the rock with steps of slumber and shadows, the Unicorn found what happiness was. He looked into the sea-like eyes of his beloved, deep, green and mysterious eyes. There he could see that her body was made of foam and her soul was made of light.
        Since then, that very old rock has been crushed by time and earth, spread away to near all seas of the world and it was called sand.
        The old sand knows only the steps walking on it… and it forgets them as soon as the sea wipes away their barefoot traces. But in every sand grain the memory sleeps, of that golden summer when, touching the silver of their horns, the Unicorns had made love.


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