Artwork by  Jim Warren

           There are too many storms around us. Perhaps too often we are wrapped in the storms, too fast driven on their wings, without having even one moment to look behind… and too often we discover we are alone without having had even a single moment in the middle of the storms to understand where we have been wrong… and so we discover we are in the middle of the same storms, repeating the same mistakes.

 There are storms that do not allow you the time to love… when what you thought being a game tied you up so tightly that you can’t get rid of it and only for fear you don’t call it “love”… and when you decide to face your fear the storm has swollen before you once again, making you dizzy.

 In its crazy rush, the only stops seem to have been made only to let you time to hurt your dear ones that, after, you have time neither to heal nor to beg for their forgiveness before the storm takes you again… And  when things happen like this, the next step finds you laying a remorse-faded rose on the graves of those you killed when you didn’t know that the toy gun turned into a real one precisely when you touched in play.

 This is how the storms take us all on their wings, making us lonelier with every moment of peace that they give us only to count errors and graves.

 You hope that every one of those short moments is the last one and that you will finally stop for good and the storm will never take away from you the peace of your days and the silence of your nights…

 But I am still there, prisoner in the eye of the storm from which I still wait to be released by the one who would ask “When will you come ?”

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