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            On the first of March, while walking in an empty park caressed by the sun, I heard somebody calling me. I was surprised, not for wondering who might know me in a place where I was  for the first time, not even for being called in a place where I had seen nobody at all, but because the voice calling me was so green that it might have been the very spring’s voice. I turned my head and saw behind me a green willow swinging its branches towards me. I came closer to it and said:
"Good morning. How come I didn’t see you when I passed by you?"

"You didn’t see me because I was dead. I turned green only a few seconds ago."

"But how come that you know my name? And why did you call me?"

"Even if in winter I look like sleeping, my green soul is living and travelling all over the world and in springtime, when coming back to me, it tells me what it has seen. So that I know everything. That’s why I know who you are. And I also know how sad you are, that’s why I called you. I wanted to tell you that the springtime is coming and the flowers will bloom because the earth misses them and the birds will come back because the air misses them… And every flower blooms and every birds comes back for everyone of us. Maybe then you will not be lonely anymore."

" But you?… Why did you turn green so early, aren’t you going to feel too lonely until the flowers and birds come back?"

"I won’t feel lonely. I turned green to relieve your loneliness – so that I will have you and you will have me. I turned green for missing love too much – just as you do."

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Romanian version

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