Artwork : "The Untold Story" by Josephine Wall


             Long time ago, the words were sleeping hidden somewhere, where nobody knew them. Nobody had discovered them and the words were silent because there were nobody to ask them about all wonders they knew.
           But one day the words were not silent anymore. And for waking them up from the numbness they had slept for such a long time, only my soul had to meet yours. This was enough for the words sleeping for so many years and ages, to start singing with voices of angels watching over the gates of love.
        Long words have been told since then, because all words of the world started to talk about fairy tales lands, about non-invented legends and about the happy surprise of the souls who meet each other.    
        But then, slowly as the day decreases, the carresses, the kindness and the gentleness faded away leaving only the wound behind them, the tearful wound of the words still so young.
        … and words between us bleed… and cry… and keep silent…
        Will they ever speak again?

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