You came into my life so unexpectedly..
Little did I know what was to lie ahead..You showed me strength, when I showed you my weaknesses..
You taught me the importance of believing in myself,
When I thought there was nothing to believe in..
You taught me so much, in ways I never knew..
You stood behind me when I began to fall..Along side of me when I needed a friend..
In front of me when I needed a guide..
You showed me my ability to fly ..Thanks Bird for being my Guardian Angel on the Net!!..
P.S. Even when we do ARGUE..*LOL*..You are the Greatest...*Smooooch*
~Birds Favorite Words~
I'm retarted!!..*CD* are you Crazy!!..*CD* Do you ever listen!!..I'm the Froggie!!..I Lick a Lot!!..and lastly.. I AM THE BEST OF THE BEST !!