
*~My Friends~*
If I sleep on the sand tonight..And on the rocks tommorow..I will be content..If I dream of things I will never see..Still I will have faith..If I wander all my life..I will find my home..And if I live forever..or die tonight..I will have known what it is to live and have friends..

The Parking Lot
Truly Lace~
It's been close to two years now that we have been together..and girl with all we done..a hundred people only dream of doing that in a lifetime *LOL*...How those guy's ever put up with everything we did to wonder some left the room and never came back..*WEG*...Thank-you for being the *Barbie Sis* that you will always have a special place in my heart..And don't start *WHINNING* I made a page just for you!!..there's just too much to put on this one..Love ya *sis*

*~Goofy Broad*~
Girl I still remember the first day I came into that room and you were pounding the piss out of some guy with you're goofy bat..and yelling at everybody to close the fucking door !!..*LOL*..There was never a dull moment with you around..from our gutter slut days to the street corner's..and yes I'm still watching to make sure you're not on mine !!..*LOL* Girl you will always be my one and only Butt Sister..In between you, Lace and wonder I got gray hair and turned to alcohol...*LOL*..Goof you are special person..don't ever change..the world would be lost if you did..*Hugs*
Where do I begin..hehehe..How about the night with the Hot Firefighter..Hmmm does whip cream, pineapples, cherries ring a bell..Girl I think that's the night the room burnt down we were so hot in there..*LOL*I was stripping at the computer..!! We have gone thru so much together as BITCHES..oh yes I remember you..*LOL*..thru all the truth or dares games..the Auctions where you keep trying to sell me off..let no man rest in peace as long as we are together..*Sis* you also have a special place in my heart..Thank-you for always being there for me..*Hugs*

Or should I say the *Sprinkler Girl*..*LOL* you sure do like those sprinkler's don't you lady..and I heard you had a special one now too.. Girl along with Lace we sure have shared some special moments together in the parking lot and now in the back room..Cripe sure am glad you finally gave her balls least we won't have to listen to her whine about that now!!..Susan you are a great friend..and so glad we got to meet each other..*Hugs*

Another one of my sister's who likes to get me in trouble all the time..You're not called the Black Widow for nothing..Stings when nobody is expecting it..*LOL*but who is always there with a lending hand and a shoulder when I need to lean on one..Girl you are the brightest *star twinkling* high in the sky up above us..and may the good lord keep us out of trouble..but I already know the Devil has our spot all picked out for us..*LOL* Love ya *sis*..*Hugs*
Ha Ha..Tinker allright more like DEVIL in Disguise..You use to cause so much shit but you would never get the blame for it..nobody would believe it was you..Oh no Tinker wouldn't do something like that!!..Not our sweet innocent Tinker..*rolling eyes*..if they only knew.*LOL* I don't know who was worse for hiding you or Twinkle..Sis you play the part of a Bitch real well..*Hugs*
Our friendship started a little different too..*LOL*..Oh but what a friendship it turned out to be..From the phone sex business that you took away from Lace and I we no longer can get thru to you..*LOL*..*Sis we sure have spent many of hours together on here some good and some bad..*Wonder if our friend is peeking thru the curtains still..*LOL* or how about you know who..that makes both of our blood boil..hehehe.!!! Thank-you for being such a wonderful friend and confidante..And I know you charge plenty for you're services..*LOL*..Love ya *Sis*..

~The Back Room~


Now this is one special lady..Always a smile and a *smooch* for everyone and she gives good gropes too..*LOL* but when things get rough get out of her way...cause she will tell it like it is..and when she jumps up on the bar and does her Fat Bottom girl dance man does she.... ~ROCK THIS WORLD~*Sis* you are the best little sister anyone could ask for..Thanks for being there when I needed somebody to lay my troubles on..You will always have a special place in my you..*Hugs*




Duke of Earl

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