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The Early Years for the Molly Rod Raiders
Not sure what year this is , but it's the 80's
L~R~ Wayne Brennan ,Grant McCaig , Mike Monette ,
Frank Monette , Mark Monette , Lorraine McLean ,
Roddy McCambley , Janet Egan , Guy Monette ,
Dave Ardies , Derrick Ardies , Bruce Daly ,
Carl Flannery & Mary Paitrien.

This photo was taken by Mike Beedle , he's a professional photographer.
1999 Octoberfest Trip
Mervin Brennan & Tommy Ireland in Chuckwagon
Out Riders , Roddy , Wade , Janet , Tyler

Mervin & Tommy in the Chuckwagon
Roddy McCambley on the left
Wade , Janet , Calinda , Morris pulling up the rear.

Kristi & Kealey Ann
2000 @ David Early's Friday Morning....
Wow don't they look fresh ? I don't think they drank !!!!!
Would ya look at that HotDog behind Kealey...

This was in 1999, we left from Martindale Rd
Left Roddy, Calinda , Morris , Janet , Tyler, Kelvin (walking away)

This picture is from 2000, Frankie was acting weird.
I think it's cause he was on Coke.....!
That's Mark from Windsor Ont

HELLO !!!!
Can someone please help me up here !!!

AHHHH Thanks Frankie
Kealey Ann had a helping hand on this 2000 trip. Frankie and her stool !

This picture was from the 2001 Ladysmith trip
not sure what this guys name is, he now owns the Danford hotel

Jeremy Monette(center)
Left of Photo Jason Gabie, Kristi Henry
At the back Morris O'Connor & Dawn Mulvihill
not sure who else is in it !

This is Tania, picture is from the 1990's
Notice who's Horse she's riding ???
Frankie Henry had to have a nap ......!!!!
