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More pictures of Peter's Benefit

Brenda & Sue

Carolyn & Annie

Carolyn , Deirdre & Annie

Mark Boyd , Carolyn Kelly (soon to be Husband & wife) and Janet

Dwight Trowsse , Ryan Mahoney , and that handsome Billy Richards!!!!!

Ms Emily Mahon , the only female on the Low Fire Dept !

Gary Picard & Elaine Pilon

Jason & Kristi

Jimmy , Lisa & Kristi

John , Stephen , Lee
Stephen looks a little bored in this picture

Karen Brown , Debbie Trowsse , Janet Egan
We were double fisting it in this pic.....

~ Mr M.C ~
KB Henry
oh and by the way he has a palm pilot ! HA-HA
He mostly uses it when he stuck in traffic!

Kelly Diotte & Helen Cruckshank

Kim & Ken Peck