Why would outside organizations seek membership inside of M.E.Ch.A.?
Recently and historically, opportunistic outside organizations and/or individuals
have utilized the legitimacy of M.E.Ch.A. as a voice of the Chicana/Chicano
Movement to promote their own agendas inside of our Movement. Such
groups, lacking the same legitimate reputation with the Chicanoa and
Chicanao community, began to promote class-wide multi-nationalism that
sought to displace Chicano nationalism as the central focus for our Movement.
Falsely claiming to be advocates of M.E.Ch.A., such outside organizations,
groups and/or individuals have consistently attempted to erode the full
development of Chicano nationalism in the student movement.
Much of the problem, with regard to confusing organizational goals
has occurred due to the existence of dual loyalties, membership, and accountabilities
(by individuals who often lie about their membership and accountability
to an outside organization). Claiming dual membership in M.E.Ch.A.
and other outside organizations, let it be understood that, We,
Mechistas, condemn any outside organization which seeks to subordinate
the goals of M.E.Ch.A. to those of it’s own. More specifically,
we condemn the practice of outside organizations, groups, and/or individuals
seeking to use M.E.Ch.A. and it’s membership to party-build.
Party-building is defined as using our Movimiento to pull away membership
from our
organization to work for another organization. One example, is
individuals and organizations who seek to come into M.E.Ch.A. for
the purpose of inviting our members to work on certain issues and then
attempting to convert them into members of the outside organization.
Party-building is negative because it disrupts the normal functions and processes of any organization by creating division. For this reason, let all outside organizations understand that M.E.Ch.A. demands:
1) The right to self-determination;
2) That no person or outside organization shall determine our goals, structure, and philosophy;
3) That all organizations, groups, and/or individuals must respect the internal organizational dynamics of M.E.Ch.A.; and
4) That no other organizations, groups, and/or individuals may use the power of our organization to develop future student and community leaders to promote the ideals and principles of their organization.
Such leadership should be principled and not liberal. For
this reason, we cannot believe in unity for unity’s sake
since there are many opportunistic organizations, groups, and/or individuals
who care only for themselves and not for our people. Just as we would
expel FBI or CIA agent provocateurs from our organization, such opportunistic
organizations, groups, and/or individuals must be exposed and expelled
to strengthen our Movement.