Despite growing repression and a lack of progress by our people in this society, we must be optimistic. As M.E.Ch.A., we must accept the challenge to combat all forms of oppression, and manifestations as experienced through racism, sexism and homophobia, inside and outside of our Movement, in order to better develop a more meaningful educational plan of action (refer to Goals and Objectives). Advocating an educational revolution, we recognize that our bullets are our books and our victories are an increase in Chicana/Chicano graduates committed to our people’s progress. We, as Mechistas, must dismantle the co-optation of Raza students from becoming “Corporate Hispanics”, claiming to be leaders of our community with no understanding of El Pueblo Chicano. Instead, M.E.Ch.A. seeks to train future community leaders to be consciously committed to serve the people of Aztlan.
M.E.Ch.A. also supports Chicana and Chicano worker struggles
to abolish economic and political exploitation. In the final analysis,
we recognize that the destiny of the Movement will be determined by each
accepting responsibility for carrying the Movement forward.