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M.E.Ch.A.’s Relationship To Outside Organizations


 The importance of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan having organizational autonomy is a key prerequisite to establishing a cohesive movement that will serve the interests of the Chicana/Chicano community.  Historically, Chicana and Chicano estudiantes have had to contend with opportunistic organizations that have attempted to use M.E.Ch.A. to promote goals inconsistent with the needs of our Gente.  Such opportunists have promoted such goals at the expense of the Chicana/Chicano students’ calling to serve La Familia de la Raza.

 Meanwhile, on a apparent “different” side, opportunistic, multi-national “left” organizations continue in their manipulative covert attempts to control and/or destroy our Movement.  For this reason, it is imperative that, We, Chicana and Chicano students that want M.E.Ch.A. to control it’s own destiny without being co-opted by outside organizations, provide our analysis on the role of outside organizations working inside of M.E.Ch.A.  In providing this analysis, we recognize the fundamental role that Chicano nationalism plays in promoting nuestra causa.
