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We want to have a strong brotherhood spirit which reigns over our Camporee just as B.P. described it for Jamborees.


I insistently recommend that [at the Jamboree] we not permit our boys to be simply content with camping next to those of other countries, but that we incite them to utilise each minute of a short time span that they pass at camp, to get to know one another, and then passing from knowing each other to friendship, with their Brother Scouts, their future companions in the world.  Each boy could then leave the Jamboree invested with a new responsibility : that of an Apostle of Peace and Goodwill in his region of origin.

Jamboree, July 1929.


Amongst other things, a Camporee is a Great Scout Game and is loyal to the spirit of our founder, there will be fair and equitable competition.  The emulation system of the Cougar Camporee is adapted to precisely evaluate this Great Game.


For each Troop, it is the effort, the performance and the behaviour  of the boys which will be evaluated in the diverse aspects. The Unit Leaders will also be evaluated in part for the «Scout Spirit» and «Discipline» and «Protocol» Pennants.


Be Prepared !


The participating troops at the Camporee will be able to merit, at most, one of the following Pennants : 

«Scout Spirit» Pennant

«Discipline» Pennant

«Protocol» Pennant

«Camp» Pennant

«Sports Games» Pennant

«Technique Games» Pennant


And for the Troop which distinguishes themselves in the total of the six aforementioned pennants:

«Honour» Pennant.



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