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Days Time Blocks Dur.
Friday 16h30 Arrival, Greeting, Inscriptions, Constructions 4h30
20h30 Constructions or Camp Fires in Sub-Camps 1h00
21h30 Round turn of Sub-Camp leaders in their own Sub-Camps 0h30
22h00 Meeting of Cougar Team with Leaders of Sub-Camps 1h00
23h00 Curfew and start of Night Watch 8h00
23h10 Troop Leader's Coucil in Sub-Camps 0h30
23h40 Bedtime for Leaders 7h20
Saturday 7h00 Wake-Up Call, Gymnastics, Hygiene 0h30
7h30 Breakfast 0h30
8h00 Constructions 2h30
10h30 End of Constructions, time for Sub-Camps 0h30
11h00 Opening Ceremonies 1h00
12h00 Lunch 1h15
13h15 Activities Block, Greeting of Senior TimberWolves 3h00
16h15 Activities in Sub-Camps 0h45
17h00 Supper 1h30
18h30 Great Game (all Sub-Camps) 1h45
19h45 End of Game 0h15
20h00 Colours Descent, Entertainment Show, Departure of TW 1h45
21h45 Curfew, PLC in units 9h30
Round turn of Sub-Camp leaders in their own Sub-Camps 0h30
22h15 Meeting of Cougar Team with Leaders of Sub-Camps 0h30
23h00 Troop Leader's Coucil in Sub-Camps 0h30
23h30 Bed time for Leaders and Night Watch 7h45
Sunday 7h15 Wake-Up Call, Gymnastics, Hygiene 0h30
7h45 Rank Formations, Hoisting of the Colours 0h30
8h15 Breakfast 0h45
9h00 Activities Block 3h00
12h00 Lunch 1h15
13h30 Activities Block 3h00
16h30 Sub-Camp Activities 0h45
17h15 Supper 1h30
18h45 Preperation for Campfire and Mass 0h20
19h05 Mass 0h30
19h35 Oecumenical Gathering 0h15
19h50 Games in Sub-Camps 0h40
20h30 Colours Descent, Camp Fires 1h30
22h00 Curfew, PLC in units 9h00
Round turn of Sub-Camp leaders in their own Sub-Camps 0h30
22h30 Meeting of Cougar Team with Leaders of Sub-Camps 0h30
23h00 Troop Leader's Coucil in Sub-Camps 0h30
23h30 Bed time for Leaders and Night Watch 7h30
Monday 7h00 Wake-Up Call, Gymnastics, Hygiene 0h30
7h30 Rank Formations, Hoisting of the Colours 0h30
8h00 Breakfast 0h45
9h00 Activities Block 3h00
12h00 Take Down Activities Corner 0h30
12h30 Community Meal 1h15
13h45 Honours, Closing Ceremony 0h45
14h30 Take Down Troop Camps 1h30
16h00 Vehicles permitted on campground  



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