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Commissioners Mesages


Welcome to Cougar Camporee 2001

It is with great pride today that we invite you to an Explorer (Scout, and Woodsman) gathering which has for a long time been desired. Of course more details will follow at a later time, but, little by little, you will see that there will be a variety of activities for everyone’s liking, joy in abundance and a fraternal ambience.

Such a gathering is always a unique occasion to make closer ties and most of all to it gives us an opportunity to exchange with our fellow brother Scouts. I encourage you therefore to reserve these dates and to follow these pages in order to know the latest developments of this important activity.

There will be no success without the participation of all the units, without the participation of all our Troops Leaders. After all, this will be your Camporee, to you éclaireurs of the A.Q.A.B., and to you Explorers of the A.E.B.P. and to any other Association which desires to attend this traditional Scouting gathering.

I await your comments before meeting you in person in May of 2001 and I salute you with the cougar’s energy.


Martin Gagnon (Patient Unicorn)

National Explorer Commissioner and Co-ordinator of the Cougar Camporee

Association des éclaireurs Baden-Powell



Greetings to you all,

It gives me great pleasure as General Commissioner of l’Association Québecoise des Aventuriers de Brownsea and outgoing Éclaireur/Guide Commissioner to invite all the éclaireur units of our association  along with the Explorer Troops of the A.E.B.P. to participate to a unique gathering: a Camporee organised jointly by our two associations.

For a number of years now invitations had been made between our two associations. The Troops that have participated to these exchanges surely have not regretted it. Starting from there, the knowledge, experience and goodwill of both associations will be placed at each others disposal in order to live a great Scout fraternity event.

The Cougar Camporee is a gathering not to be missed in Spring of 2001. Like the totem animal of the Camporee, let’s place all our power to make this premiere event an astounding success for our two associations and our visitors.

It will be a pleasure to meet you…. 

Marc Croteau, G.C. (AQAB)



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