a w a r d s
When I first started out, I wanted to pit myself against other webmasters, to see where I stood in the scheme of things. Award submissions were almost like a homepage competition, so I went for that. However, some awards were given out just to boost the webmaster's own homepage traffic, while there were others that were just plain cheesy. Three years down the road, I've long outlived the novelty of homepage awards, and I did think about doing away with this page altogether. But I've learnt some valuable lessons from webmasters I've never met before as well, people who were generous to a fault, and I wanted that to be reflected in this homepage. So, I've withered the original four pages of awards down to two, hosting the awards that I feel are given out most genuinely. On that note, I'd like to draw a close to this awards section. Thank you, and good night.