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charlees Poetry

          The following pages are samplings of poetry that i have written between 1989 and 1997, this will be the first time that any of it has been published except for one...  "A Broken Heart"  which was written in 1992 and published in my high school yearbook in 1994...most of it was written during my teens when most people think that everyone they go out with is the love of their life and every break-up is the end of the world...for me it was also a time of great change where i first moved out on my own at eighteen...took in my fourteen year-old sister...suffered my first miscarriage at nineteen...lost my childhood sweetheart...and lost my only biological grandmother...and basically learned the hard way that life wasn't as easy as it seemed as when I still lived at please...if you enjoy reading poetry...give mine a chance...and remember that these words are a deep part of me that i have kept hidden for a long time and i have been somewhat self-conscious about letting anyone read it...and if you like what you read...please leave me a message about what you think...i've been thinking about going to a publisher someday... if i ever have enough nerve......and if you feel any of it might be suitable for your own needs...please let me know you are using it...


Awarded October 3, 2000 by Christina Awarded October 3, 2000 by Christina
Awarded October 3, 2000
Christina of Poetry from the Heart
I present you with the Friendly Award and the Beautiful Poet Award.

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