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I'll Never Forget

In loving memory of Bradley Savel 1972-1990

You were my first real boyfriend
Even though we were both really young
We played and laughed together
And the time we spent together was fun

You taught me how to ride a two-wheeled bike
When nobody else would
And when I fell and skinned my knees
You comforted me the best you could

I helped you when your dog Candy died
You helped me when my cat Boots did the same
When I got a new pet
You helped me pick his name

We fought our little disputes
And threatened not to be each other's friend
But in a few minutes the fight was forgotten
And friends we were again

We went to the same school together
Your classroom was just down the hall
We spent every recess together
And I remember we wrote on the wall

One day you moved off our street
To a place I never knew
I saw you every now and then
But the words we spoke were few

Then I didn't see you at all
And your face faded from my mind
That's when we decided to grow up
And we left our childish ways behind

The next time I bumped into you
We were both in high school
We both had changed so much
But neither of us felt like a fool

We talked for a while
Then friends again we quickly became
Just like after our childhood fights
It was basically the same

Then I moved away
It was my turn to go
I wonder if you felt the same way I did
I guess I was never to know

Before I could see you
To become friends all over again
You left this life behind
Without even telling me when

I'll always remember the fun times we've had
I'll even remember the bad
I'll keep your face in my mind
And remember everything we had

You know if someone ever looked
Bradley + Charlene just might be there still
But faded away and a little worn
Underneath the school's window sill

There is a Man

There is a man I know and love
He's there with me through it all
Through thick and thin
Through big and small

He makes me feel good inside
Even though I don't always show it
I won't ever love him any less
My love for him keeps growing bit by bit

There is a man I care for every much
No matter what he does wrong
His face is always in my mind
Like an old familiar song

It doesn't matter how far apart we are
I know that we'll pull through
All we have is each other
And that is enough to do

There is a man who is my friend
And forever will he be
Because that's the way this started out
This love between him and me

We share a lot together
Our lives, our laughs, our cries
We help each other through our troubles
Until all our tears have dried

There is a man I will never leave
I will always hold him tight
So close to my own heart
From early day to late night

No matter where he is right now
I hope he knows I care
I will always be there for him
His heart I will never tear


I never dreamed that love could be like this
So deep, so powerful, and so strong
I've waited most of my life for this
I've waited for so long

There have been others
But with you it's not the same
I don't know how to explain what I feel
I just can't give it a name

It's more than love I know for sure
Love I have felt before
It's something special and binding
I want to give you so much more

I can't really tell you how I feel
This is the only way I know
I feel that sooner or later
How I feel will show

I can never love anybody like this
You are the only one
You make me feel special
My heart you have won

The Unborn

You never had anything to live for
Your life ended before it began
I never could have given you much
But at least I never ran

I wanted you more than you'll know
You were a wanted child
We had our problems to work out
Nothing major, only mild

I though about you every day
Growing there inside
Protected and nurtured from the world
In a safe place to hide

You gave me something to live for
You made everything worthwhile
You were the only thing I cared for
To my face you brought a smile

I needed you more than anything
I've never wanted anything more
But God took you away from me
To somehow even the score

I hoped you would be raised with love
And never have a reason to cry
You'd never have to doubt yourself
You gave me reason to try

I had nothing to offer you
Only my love and me
I wish God would have given me a better look
Maybe then He'd really see

You were my unborn child
I will always love you
Even though I never got the chance
To prove my love was true

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