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A Broken Heart

You came along to pick up the pieces
Just when my life seemed to fall apart
You put me back on my feet
And mended my broken heart

I needed someone to give my life meaning
I think I've found that someone in you
You make me believe in myself
And believe in love that's true

So many people have lied to me
And left me on the ground
They've torn my heart to ribbons
And left me totally bound

You have filled up a special space
That has been empty far too long
I feel a love deep down inside
That tells me nothing will go wrong

I hope this feeling between us
Will keep us going for a while
Because right now I need you
You make my heart smile

When You're Gone

Lost in a sea of broken hearts
With empty promises, ended starts
All alone with an aching pain
Tears that run as free as falling rain

Fears that have risen from the dead
Filling my soul with endless dread
A heart that stops its lifelong beating
A self-confidence that is slowly fleeting

My mind is filled with memories of you
Of all the good times and the bad times too
I love you so much you'll never know
My feelings aren't that easy to show

But I'll miss you when you're gone
The things we never did but started on
Every word you've ever said to me
Every feeling you ever helped me to see

All the love we never shared
Lord knows how much we cared
I'll hold you so close to my mind
Your love I'll never again find

My Ocean

Your ocean of love
Washes over me
Cleansing me of worry
Soothing my pain
Drowning my fears
And easing my hunger
For someone to care for me
To need me
To love me endlessly
To hold me when the nights are cold
Or when the days are lonely
Someone who will guide me
Through troubled times
When I can't do it alone
Someone who will share my dreams
Make them their own
So I won't have to travel this road alone
You are my dream
My lifetime companion
My friend and lover
The depth of my soul
You make my wishes come true
You are my ocean
Of serene comfort
And I love you

Mirror Image

Your murmured words and gentle touch
Caress my heart, penetrating my soul
Your teasing kiss
Makes me whole

Your love is deep and strong
Mirroring my love for you
No one has ever made me so happy
No one makes me feel the way you do

You are so much like me
The perfect soulmate
You echo my feelings
I know this is more than fate

You understand me
You share my dreams
Like no one has in the past
This is true love it seems

You will always know
Exactly the way I feel
So I don't have to tell you
That this love is real

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