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HOPE OWEN-- New Member of the Cool Cat Club

THE HOPE OWEN STORY I think what is most distinctive about Hope’s appearance is the large Roman nose with not much hair on the bridge. She also has big “oriental” eyes, and obviously, big ears (though Hope’s are more pointy and higher up than Honey’s.) Most people think Hope has a very human looking face. I think it’s due to the nose and a less amount of hair on her face. Cornish Rex are known for their soft, wavy, curly hair; even the whiskers curl – which is weird to look at. I call Hopie my little lamb chop because she feels and looks like a little lamb with that white coat and curls. Hope, by far, is my most affectionate and sensitive cat. Honey is a little clown, but Hope is my lovey girl – really! Cornish rexes love to kiss, and when I first got Hope as a kitten she would wake me up every morning by licking my face and lips (YUCK). I’ve broken her of the lip licking habit, but apparently that is something inherent in the breed. She is my lap cat, and she loves to sit on my shoulders (again another thing the rex likes to do.) She also loves the computer, chasing the cursor, and attempting to type with her paws. She sits on my lap when I work on my computer at home, and she'll tap my face with her paw if she thinks I am giving too much attention to the computer. That's my cue to stop typing and stroke her head. Hopie’s jumping skills are rivaled only by Honey’s. Both the rex and the sphynx have hind legs that are larger and more muscular than other cats. There is nothing that Hope can’t reach. She can jump to the top of my entertainment center, the top of the refrigerator, and to the top of my kitchen cabinets. That’s kind of the playground for both her and Honey. I guess the most endearing thing about Hope is that she really loves to be held and cuddled. I got her during a 6 month period when my mom, dad, and my older brother all ended up in the hospital. My mom had to be placed on a heart/lung machine due to a ruptured appendix, my dad had a massive heart attack, and my brother had a seizure while driving and flipped his car on the highway. (needless to say, this was the worst time of my life!) In fact that’s how she got her name – life felt hopeless at the time, so I decided to name the kitten Hope. In the end, she lived up to her name and I really don’t know what I would have done without her – she was just such a huge, loving, and pleasant distraction to all the stress and worry that was going on in my life. I’d wake up in the morning and this weird looking little kitten (that has the loudest meow) was just in my face giving me kisses and purring, and even though I was under extreme stress regarding my family, this little kitten would just make me laugh. I got Honey to be a friend for Hope because my other cat, Spot, is an old girl and isn’t very active. Hope and Honey get along great, continually chasing each other and wrestling. I think Honey pesters Hope a bit, as Honey ALWAYS wants to play, and sometimes Hope wants to sunbathe and watch the lizards out on the window sill. Hope and Honey are a great little team, and their personalities complement each other very well. I can't think of having one without the other.

Click here for another picture of Hopie