The Denmark is supposed to be the host of 2 serpent-like creatures. They were seen at least twice in the last century, and I will show you the reports. So, the fisrt sighting occured in 1943, in the month of september. A yellowish-brown snake of about 6 feet long was seen in the waters Gudena River. One of the witnesses was attacked by the animal.
Mön Island, in the Ulvshale Forest, was involved in another sighting of the animal. It was from about 4½ feet, with a dark black skin and a light colorde belly. An hypothesis coming from
some witnesses talk about a big eel.
In another case, where the creature was not seen, beside of a black shape underwater. It is said to have damaged a boat, and it could be done by a beithir. No one knows...
SOURCES: Bord, Janet and Colin. Unexplained Mysteries of the 20th Century. Chicago: Contemporary, 1989.
Cryptozoologix 2001