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Among the strongest urban legends of the United States, we can find the Jersey Devil. Jersey Devil is a weird combination of a horse, a bat, a camel and the devil itself. Let's look what are the origins of this curious beast. There are many stories about the birth of it, but the most popular is the one that says that a mrs. Shrouds, of Lead Point, NJ made a wish that if she had another child, she wanted it to be a devil. It's exactly wat happened when she gave birth to a really disformed kid. He was kept inside of the house, out of the curious. But one stormy night, the kid flapped his arms who turned into wings and went out by the chimney. The Shrouds didn't saw him again.

It was exorcised by a clergy in 1740 for 100 years, and then stayed unseen for that time span. Before 1909, documents are rare about the Jersey Devil. But after that, the sightings came by ton. You can see a lot of them by clicking on the link above. The creature became so present in the live that when New Jersey got a chance to have an NHL franchise, they called it the

Martin Brodeur, star goaltender of the New Jersey Devils

"New Jersey Devils". What are you thinking of this? I sincerely think this it is just an urban legend....


Cryptozoologix 2001