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Everybody knows Orangatang, these orange human-looking apes. Well, in Sumatra island, another species is said to live, and is called Orang-Pendek. It have long hairs on the front of the body, and black ones on the head. It's face is hairless; it have human-like eyes and a very wide mouth.

About the sightings, one of the most popular one occured in October 1923.Van Herwaarden, a Dutch explorer, was hunting when he came across this creature. He gave a highly detailed description of the creature later in a piece of writing called "Tropical Nature 13". He was about to shoot it, but put down his gun. He felt that shooting at a creature with a so striking human apparence isn't right, and nobody should blame him for this.

None of the expeditions revealed anything about Orang-Pendek, and many of them gave faked proofs.


Cryptozoologix 2001