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In the wild America, one of the biggest birds is the Thunderbird. Always unofficially discovered, this bird is known by the Comanches and other american tribes, under many names. They think that this gigantic bird brings thunder and rain everywhere it goes.

Mark A. Hall, investigator of the Thunderbird story, says about the animal:
"The bird is distinguished by its size and lifting capabilities exceeding those of any known bird living today anywhere in the world. Wingspan estimates are necessarily all guesswork. But observers sometimes have had the benefit of a measurable object for comparison or the benefit of time to observe a resting bird. The results most often provide sizes of 15 to 20 feet. The bird at rest or on the ground appears to be four to eight feet tall. Typically the coloring of the birds overall is dark..."

A Thunderbird is said to be killed in the 19th century in Texas. On the photography, we can see 6 persons in front of a barn where a large bird is nailed to the wall. Natives of the US regions where thunderbirds are said to live says about this bird that it's larger than any other known bird species, but look like a Condor. Is it an undiscovered specie of condor? We don't actually know....


Cryptozoologix 2001