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Yes, that is correct, I do in fact eat meat. So does that make me a murderer? Guess so. Now I have absolutely nothing against Vegetarians or Vegans, in fact some of my closest friends are just that. However I cannot stand the psychotic people who insist that because I eat meat that I am a hideous animal-slaughtering monster. Did we forget about a little something called "The Food Chain?!" If you don't eat it, it will eat you! And what about the poor vegetables out there that get no sympathy for the massacres they indure every fucking day?! They're living things too you know! (Another prime example of a hypocritical subject). I'm sorry but if there is one lesson to be learned here it is this... *Life feeds on Life*... And to answer the question I know is on the tips of all of your tongues... *NO* I do not hate animals. In fact I love them to death. And obviously a hell of a lot more than I like people. And yes, if it was legal I would definetly be a cannibal. So don't forget to send me plenty of death threats for that one!

I want to hear Sally bitch some more!

Shut the fuck up you whiney cunt and take me home!