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15th January, 2002

Session started the morning of Sunday the 8th of October, 2000. Samantha tracked Joseph back to his house, waited the night and followed him to work the next morning (though why he works on a Sunday is anyone's guess), to Silver Cross. He proceeded inside as normal, she following in disguise, bluffing her way through. She found him working on some sort of robottic octopus.

"What's that?"
"It's a cybernetic heart!", he replied, laughing uproariously, "I guess you had to be at Cybercon '96". He seemed unperturbed by her suddenly being in his lab.
Having shadowed him enough, Sam left in order to go shopping.

Meanwhile, Tyrone attempted to explain the disappearance of Uncle Ralph to his children: that he had gone away for a while with a bucket full of bad things. Feeling he'd explained as best he could, he went into the office, finding Antonio.

At the same time, several kilometres away, Steven Jenkins lay, attempting to prevent wakefulness in spite of his girlfriend, Sarah's encouragements to come shopping with her. Rising, he got dressed and cleaned up the apartment before going down to the car.
In the space of a minute.

Having been dragged out to the mall, he was waiting somewhat impatiently while Sarah tried on clothes. Scanning the store, he noticed a blue-haired woman trying on a dress in the aisle. Before his eyes, her stomach changed shape to better accomodate the garment! He approached her and questioned her on the incident. Samantha, knowing that no ordinary person could have seen her perform such a small 'morph, questioned him in return.
It was at that time that Sarah returned from the changeroom, recognising Samantha. They chatted briefly and Sam selected some items for her to try on, sending her back to the changerooms.
She asked if Sarah new about Steven's superhuman speed and invited him to come to the Super Solutions Sydney HQ for testing. He replied that yes, she did know and that he would come by later. They parted ways as Sam went to buy huge amounts of toys and lumber, with which to make a chair for Jim.

Jospeh arrived at the HQ, meeting Tyrone for the first time. Tyrone, somewhat untrustingly, attempted to read his mind but discovered that Joseph Krappe was not his real name, and that his right arm was artificial.

Tyrone spent some time talking with Jim, finding out that he only sees in infrared. He then read his mind in order to ascertain if there was any sorcerous cause for his transformation. The closest thing he found was that Jim was beaten up by a bully the day before his transformation.

Joseph spent some time with Jim and Cain, playing hide and seek. After his count to 20 he could easily see Jim hiding futilely behind the albeit quite enormous teddy bear. He decided in the interest of fairness that he would find Cain first. He searched for some time before deciding to cheat by asking Ezri his location. She replied that he had not left the room.
It was then that Joseph looked up, finding Cain some five meters above him, floating just below the ceiling.

Antonio spent his day largely in flight classes and a stage trick workshop as he is attempting to begin a career as a magician.

That night, Sam was bored, as she requires little sleep. She asked Ezri if by any chance there was anyone awake. Cain was, as he does not apparently sleep at all. They spent some time together as she explained the concepts of planets, stars, day and night, etcetera.

The next day, Steven drove out to the bush to find an isolated area in which to test his abilities.

Tyrone decided, after Samantha went off to her security course, to have a chat with Cain regarding his ability to fly, which would appear to require him to flap his arms. He then read his mind and discovered that Cain had a memory of attending a funeral.
For Niles.

Yet another kidnapping had occured the day before, disgusting all. Tyrone decided to examine the pattern and predicted a location. He, Antonio and Joseph hatched a plan to lure the kidnapper into a trap.

After Samantha returned from her class they told her of the plan, to which she agreed. Then she got a call from Lindsay, asking if she could come to Laos, as they were planning on searching for Wong Fei Hong. Hesitantly, she decided to go, as otherwise the team would be missing anyone who could speak Chinese.

Joseph sent off email to Niles and Matt regarding the formation of CyberSolutions, a subsidiary research company. He also inquired about the external structure of Ezri to Niles. He recieved a complete go-ahead from Niles and a "the board will discuss it" from Matt.

Tyrone, meanwhile, sent a message to Niles, telling him not to trust Joseph.

Next Sydney session is the 27th, at 5.00pm as usual. However, for Samantha's further exploits you can also check the 20th of January, 2002 entry for England.

3pm, 29th January, 2002

Session started the afternoon of Friday the 13th of October. Ezri contacted Antonio and Joseph to inform them of Niles' death. It would seem that he had been shot several times and left for three days in his hotel room. She was informing the members in Laos at that very moment. Samantha being absent, Antonio attempted to call Tyrone in order to talk with him, but he was not answering his phone. He headed over to Tyrone's house in case anything was wrong but found him at home. Tyrone informed him that they were not answering the phone because it was the Sabbath. Antonio informed Tyrone of the situation.
Then Samantha rang Antonio, instructing him that he should go and console Cain, since he was likely to be very upset. Antonio bade Tyrone farewell and went to the office. John came out at great speed to greet him, asking him if he'd heard the news.

Matt rang Joseph to ask him to come to Thailand, to treat one of the bodyguards who had caught malaria. After being $100,000 he agreed and caught the company jet that evening.

The next 24 hours passed without much further incident. 6.00pm Saturday the 14th, Samantha, Joseph and the bodyguards arrived at Sydney airport. Joseph had gone over and returned with his arm in a sling, which he has not explained to anyone. The woman he had gone to heal was recovering from her malaria but still largely out of it, though somewhat able to walk with assistance.
The five of them (Samantha, Joseph, Lady War, Lam Ching Ping (apparently a chinese vampire) and Wong Fei Hong) were greeted by a black limousine which conveyed them back to the building.
Once they arrived Joseph suggested food and attempted to introduce Lady War (who speaks absolutely no English) to the peanut butter sandwich, with little success. Samantha settled on ordering in Chinese food.
A short time after settling in to dinner (though Wong Fei Hong did not eat), Antonio called Samantha, asking if she would like to come out with him and his stage-magic friends now that she was back in the country. She declined because she was looking after the bodyguards. They also briefly discussed the care of Cain and Jim.
Steven rang soon after to see if anyone was around to whom he could talk about the scope of his abilities. Finding so many there he headed over.
Tyrone, told by Dirk that his old acquaintance Lam Ching Ping was with the group, also went to the office to meet everybody. Steven and Tyrone arrived at similar times.
Tyrone hastily reacquainted himself with Lam; both he and Steven introduced themselves to Wong Fei Hong and Lady War.
A short time later they began discussion on how they were going to organise Niles' funeral, since news had come through from Niles that he wanted Tyrone to do it. They attempted to resolve the issues of "freak transport" and decided that most would travel via teleportation.
Antonio arrived and very shortly afterwards Tyrone managed to offend Sam with a comment about how "he would understand if she didn't want to come", which prompted her to storm out. Not long later she decided to go out clubbing in order to pick up, so that she might cheer herself up.
Tyrone asked Ezri to track her, to which Ezri responded that her M-CARD was in her office, but that she could track her mobile phone, which Tyrone asked that she do, but only to inform him if it did not move for a significant amount of time, in case she should get in trouble. He also sent Dirk out to find her, which he did, in what would have been a rather compromising position had she (or her bedroom companion) known him to be there.
Meanwhile Joseph had figured out that most likely Jim would be assisted by an infrared light projector and indeed that John may be helped by cybernetic eyes. Knowing that John had already gone to sleep, he told Ezri to ask him in the morning if he would like cyber-eyes.
He then fell asleep at a lab bench after working on cyber-eye designs.
The next morning Sam came in quite early and took Cain and Lady War out shopping.
Antonio spent much of the morning at church, in dialogue with Father Leo Vincenzo regarding whether it was wrong to socialise with vampires. Father Leo suggested councilling.

After John awoke him Joseph went and showed Jim the headband-mounted infrared flashlight he'd had Ezri build. Jim reacted with some delight.

Prior to Sam, Antonio, Cain and Lady War's returns the group began talking over how to and indeed if they should get to the Emperor. Antonio and Steven both decided that they would wish no part of assassinating what could well be an innocent man.
Eventually it was decided to postpone the conversations in favor of the trip to London.

Next session is 5.00pm Sunday the 3rd of February. The funeral. 1pm, Tuesday the 12th of February, 2002

Session starts evening of Sunday the 22nd October 2000, England. Antonio goes to Heathrow to catch the private jet back to Sydney.
To find it gone.
After some investigation he finds out that Sam had taken it back some time earlier. He booked the next flight back and flew home, arriving at about 8.00pm Sydney time. He then asked Ezri to find out where Sam was. Ezri told him that her M-CARD was on a cargo flight, bound for the office.
Antonio was outraged that Ezri had, out of hand, hacked into a database.
He then told Ezri to ask him before performing any illegal actions such as hacking.

Tyrone, having arrived not long before via magical gate, was concerned about Samantha and decided to check on her. He asked Ezri where her M-CARD was: On board a commercial cargo flight, inside a package. Antonio arrived at the office and asked Ezri to ascertain the destination of the package: the office, due to arrive in about twenty minutes.
Tyrone asked Ezri to hack in and find out whether she had been picked up by a taxi and if she had used the company credit card recently. Ezri was unable to find out whether Sam, specifically, had been picked up; she also found that she had used the card only once, to buy clothing for Lady War and Cain.
Some minutes later the package arrived. Just the M-CARD.

At that time, Joseph was sitting in his office (his arm now entirely healed), honing his computer skills, forseeing a need for them should anything ever happen to Ezri or Susan. Rachel came in and spoke with him about the establishment of a cybernetics development branch. Thereafter Joseph returned to his work.

Back in the foyer, Antonio and Tyrone are still trying to figure out how to track down Sam, since she is a danger to herself. Ezri inquires why she is a danger to herself and Antonio told her that everyone is a danger to themself.
After some deliberation Antonio hit upon the idea of calling her personal mobile, which she answered vaguely. Ezri tracked it to Chinatown. Antonio modified his earlier order to listing illegal activities in a log.

Joseph decided that he needed inroads to the criminal underworld and, knowing no other way, decided to walk the city streets in the middle of the night in order to see what he could see. About two he went home and to bed.

About midnight Tyrone headed over to Chinatown and walked around until dawn attempting to find Samantha, with no success.
Arriving home just after eight, he went to bed, asking Helen to wake him at twelve.

At the office at nine, Antonio voiced to Rachel his concern about Ezri being used for illegal activities, showing her the list of infractions that Ezri had drawn up. About this time, Steven arrived, having had nothing better to do with his day.

At twelve, Helen roused Tyrone from his deep sleep and thrust him toward the shower, to which he went, pausing only to call Sam and see if she wanted to have lunch in a while. They arranged to meet at an address in Chinatown, which he presumed was a restaurant.

Curious as to the goings on, Steven called Tyrone's and spoke to Helen, who invited him along to lunch. He decided to go to Chinatown immediately and look around.

Joseph awoke, showered, dressed and went into the office, starts playing with Jim and Cain. In idle conversation he tells them that evil is "doing things without considering the feelings of others".

About one, Tyrone, Helen and Steven met up at the Chinatown tram stop before going to lunch when Samantha rang and told Tyrone that it's good manners in this culture to bring a gift for the host. He, Helen and Steven wander around before finding a large gold statue of a fat smiling man (Buddha) that seems an appropriate gift. They then go to what turns out to be the private home of Samantha's "master", a Japanese man of reasonably slight build, named Mister Tanaka.

Back at the office, Joseph, Rachel and Antonio spent the afternoon talking, culminating in Joseph ringing the police and offering to help them with any cases they are having trouble with. They tell him that Super Solutions has already offered help.

Some three days later, which passed with little event: Tyrone called everyone into a morning meeting, having waited for Samantha to return from her stay with Mr Tanaka and his wife.
He told them all that he wants to improve the cohesion of the group by increasing trust between them: he revealed that his true name is Joseph Goldstein. He also offered them mystical knowldege of the occult arts. He offered to to teach them a specific ritual:
The path to immortality.

Next session is February the 24th.

February 24th, 2002

Session begins: 9:00am, Monday the 30th of October, 2000. Samantha, Rachel, Antonio, Tyrone, Joseph and Steven convene for their morning meeting.
Samantha brings up a couple of points: