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22nd January, 2002

Session started at 2.00am (local time), October the 11th, 2000, in Laos. The team had spent the last day on the plane. They met up with Samantha at the airport and headed through the dense rain to the Vientianne Hilton by rickshaw. After checking in at the hotel, all but Sam went to bed to try and adjust their body clocks. Sam stayed up and tried to brush up her Cantonese, as she mostly knew Mandarin.
Come the morning they convened in the gym and proceeded to train for a couple of hours. Matt left on a rickshaw of the sights of Laos.
Lindsay and Katerine decided to go and check out the seedier sections of the city, separately.
Samantha decided to ask at the police station whether thet knew anything about the bodyguards and their escape. The police replied that the incident had been some 20 kilometres to the north, in Phonghong and that it had been handled entirely by the Chinese Imperial Guard. She thanked them and left.
She then asked Ezri to access satellite cameras and see if she could find the plane in which they had came in. It turned out that the plane had not left the airport since it's arrival some six days ago.

Meeting up in the early afternoon, they formulated a plan for Samantha to go, in disguise as a Lao man, to ask at the airport. Katerine followed her invisible, without Sam's knowledge.
She quickly located one of the men who was on the gate the evening that the bodyguards had come in. She told him that she was doing some research and he was happy to help, especially after being bribed. He described Wong Fei Hong, a woman, a huge bald man and a smaller man dressed in a Victorian frock coat and top hat. Samantha then asked the rickshaw pullers if they had seen these people. Yes they had.

That evening the group each trawled bars to see if they had been spotted. Kat decided to eschew searching for the bodyguards for getting lucky.

The morning of the 12th they hopped into their rented jeep with their recently bought camping supplies and head north. Within a few hours they had hit the village in which the incident had occured. Lindsay sucked the memory of the incident out of one of the resident's minds:
The bodyguards had arrived and begun interrogating people about the local drug trade. Then the imperial guard arrived and killed the large man. The rest of the bodyguards fled north.

The team headed further north until they hit thick jungle, after which they left the jeep and proceeded on foot. Coming upon a clearing with signs of prior habitation, they decided to set up camp for the night. Sam scouts ahead as a bird. Spots further clearings some miles to the north-east.

The next day, after hours of trekking through the steamy jungle, Ezri called them to give them the news of Niles' death. It would seem that he had been shot several times and left for three days in his hotel room. The group decided to head onward despite the news, in the hope that at least some good might come from the day.

Just after dusk, as Sam was scouting in bird form, she was tackled from the air by a leaping man clad in white Victorian dress. After some struggle she shocked him, to which he responded by sucking the breath from her mouth until she was knocked unconscious. Matt came onto the scene by teleporting parabolically, but arrived too late to see the man. In teleconference with Lindsay and Katerine it is decided that after this obvious show of hostility they should probably just order a helicopter lift and give up. Not to be defeated, Matt shouted at the top of his lungs that he was not hostile, but that he wanted to offer them a job. There was no response.

The helicopter touched down in a large clearing a litte while after Samantha had regained her consciousness. As they prepared to board the craft, two muddied figures stepped out of the foliage, bearing a third. Wong Fei Hong had accepted Matt's offer.

Heading to Thailand and calling ahead to get Joseph to bring the company jet for the three, as the woman had malaria, they flew back variously to England and Australia. Matt swiftly wrote out Sealand passports for Wong Fei Hong, Lam Ching Ping (the man in white, apparently a vampire of some hundred and fifty years age), and the woman.

Arriving back at Heathrow, Lindsay called up Niles' parents to check that they were coping. Then the group went to the office, where thety found a man by the name of Piotr Vladikov, a private detective who had figured out the truth about each of them. He revealed that he had abilities of his own, including the ability to stop time itself. He had mostly come, it would seem, to help answer the question "who killed Niles Hermington III?"

Next session is February the 3rd, 5.00pm

17th February, 2002

Session started 9.00am, Monday, October the 23rd, 2000. Father John came in to what he had thought was a regular morning meeting, to find the office entirely empty, save of course Susan. She informed him that no one had come in this morning and brought him up to date with current events: Niles' death, the rescue of the Empress' bodyguards, the discovery of the Silver Archer's identity, etc. It would seem that John had been cloistered away from the world for the last two weeks.
At about 11.30, Piotr stumbled in but declined to go and meet Father John by himself, instead calling Katerine to see when she was coming in.
Katerine rolled over in bed to answer the beep of her M-CARD, engaging video mode uncaringly. Finding out it was already so late she made her way in to the office. When she arrived, Piotr briefly questioned her about Father John and told her that he was intending to go to Russia, to backtrack the gun used to kill Niles. Somewhat reluctantly she agreed to go, if only for something to do. They then went to meet up with John, to have a morning meeting, though it was now 12.30.

Part way through their conversation the lights of the building went off, without warning. Attempting to ask Susan what was wrong, they recieved no response. Piotr produced a flashlight from nowhere and they proceeded to search the building for trouble. Making their way to the foyer, the found Susan's robot body limp in her chair.
Thinking to check the central control room, they decided to head to the basement. John was forced to tear through the automated door to get to the fire stairs, but they soon descended to find a room with a wall covered entirely in what appeared to be batteries, all of which seemed to be intact. Finding no immediate course of action they returned to the foyer and looked out through the glass doors. They saw the people on the street going about their business, no sign of any trouble.
In an attempt to escape John resolved to throw a chair through the door but as he raised it over his head the lights came back and Susan informed them that she had been forced to restart to take on Ezri's information dump.
The trouble forgotten, Piotr asked if there was any news of particular pertinence. The major finding of the day was a story on Chinese crime gangs wreaking havoc. Piotr asked Susan to hack into the police records to investigate. She reported that there in fact were no files on asian gangs and Piotr decided to ask the reporter personally. They replied that their source was confidential, so Piotr called his police friend, Nicolaus, to ask him. Nicolaus knew nothing of any asian crime gangs, but they organised to have dinner and catch up.

Having decided to give up on the chase of gangs, Piotr called Ralph and organised to meet with him. Over coffee, he inadvertently revealed to Ralph that Tyrone was a wizard, of which Ralph had been unaware. He then organised to stage a multi-kidnapping of the three major gunrunners in England, taking them all to the one location in order to interrogate them about the murder weapon in Niles' killing, a Russian Nagant revolver.
Having arranged to have dinner with Colin that evening, Katerine asked Susan if she could fabricate a dress for her, which she did.
Midnight- Piotr, Ralph, Katerine and Colin meet up at "Seeddey's" bar, down by the docks; they plan how to grab Arnold Basser (an American), Heinz Fredericks (a Neo-Nazi German) and Angus Mceag (a Scottish businessman) simultaneously, so as not to alert any of them to danger. Piotr proceeded to the meet-up point (his office) to prepare for the interrogation, while Ralph went after Arnold, Colin after Heinz and Kat after Angus.
Kat went off to a nightclub Angus was known to frequent and found him pretty quickly. She approached him and tempted him out of the club. After clubbing him in the head she got him into a cab and they were off to Piotr's office, where they sequentially woke and questioned the men. This revealed that Heinz had indeed bought and sold one Nagant within the last six months. He had acquired it from a Russian man named Vidansky Churbanov and sold it to an unnamed Australian man of average appearance, but close enough to Dean to arouse suspicion. When they were finished with the gunrunners they dumped them at their homes.

The next day Kat, Piotr and John all booked tickets and flew to Irkustsk, where this mister Churbanov lived. Arriving in the wee hours of the morning, they checked into a hotel and slept til 11.
Rising, they set out to track Vidansky down, a task which turned out to be quite easy as he ran a very well known laundromat. Piotr questioned Vidansky, who was a retired police officer and had sold his old service revolver to Heinz because he had exceptional need of it, thinking nothing was truly amiss.
Satisfied with his story, Piotr took the others home, sending a description of this mysterious buyer to the rest of the company.

After they returned, Piotr wondered about the connection between Cain and Dean. He decided to call Cain and asked him if he knew anything, also telling him his origins. Cain knew nothing, as expected from a boy who is only a few weeks old.

Next session is March the 3rd.

3rd March, 2002

Session started Friday the 27th of October, 2000.
Matt, having returned from a business trip to Czechoslovakia, met up with Gordon Roberson, police commisioner of Greater London. They met at an open-air cafe to discuss Super Securities and how it could effectively work with the police force. After the meeting, Matt teleported himself to the office and briefly chatted with Father John.
He decided to call Katerine, that she might come to work at a reasonable hour. Colin answered her M-CARD and said that she was fast asleep, but that he would try to wake her.

Alone, Matt asked Susan to make a list of all the illegal activities she has been asked to perform and print it out. He then had it sent to a safe deposit box at the Bank of London.

Also sleeping was Piotr Vladikov. Asleep in his chair, behind the desk in his private office. Waking, he cursed the light and poured himself a tall glass of very cheap vodka before asking Susan to update him on the day's newspaper. She revealed only two stories of interest "Invasion by aliens": A commentary on the number of asian immigrants and their denegrative effect on western society; and
"Pragmatic tough guys for any cause": Regarding Super Securities, the newest and best funded security agency on the scene.
Largely uninterested by these stories, Piotr called Ralph to ask him for help in locating Niles' murder weapon, the rare Nagant revolver. Ralph said he had no idea what he could do about it but that he would try to assist.

That done, Piotr straightened himself and walked to Super Solutions HQ.

Katerine woke to Colin gently shaking her. He promptly told her that he'd been doing so for the last half hour. She hurriedly dressed and rushed out to work, leaving Colin muttering something about developing super speed to keep up with new girlfriend.

Arriving to work, Piotr called his friend Nicholaus to ask if he could get his men to look for Dean, whom Piotr suspected at least in relation to Niles' death. Nicholaus said he'd do what he could but that he had to get to work.
Desperate for leads, Piotr attempted to call Maxwell Fletcher but got his secretary, who said she could book him for as soon as three weeks from next Thursday.
As he was standing there fuming, Cain called him on his M-CARD, saying that he had a trick to show him. He comically waved his arms and uttered gibberish before appearing next to Piotr with a soft "pop". After asking him about the development of this new "trick", Piotr sent a message to SSA, informing them of Cain's location and safety.
It was less than a minute later that Samantha called Piotr. He assured her that Cain was fine and she responded by insisting on speaking with him. She told him that he should tell people when he was going. He said okay.
Piotr invited Cain to come to the movies with him. They then looked up the movie listings and decided on "Much Ado About Nothing" as they both had read the play. Father John decided to go with them, as Matt and Katerine had other business to attend to.

The mercenaries arrived promptly at 2.00, as they had been ordered. Matt and Kat commenced the interviewing, looking for willingness to follow orders and moral flexibility in exchange for pay. Cutting their list down, they assembled the remaining group in the warehouse and tested their combat ability by getting them to attempt to harm Matt, or hit Kat, neither of which an easy proposition. Culling the list down to ten, they took the ten to a waiting helicopter and flew them to Sealand.

That afternoon, Piotr sent Cain home before asking Susan to try accessing Fletcher Industries computer network for information on Dean. He then called Colin to ask if he could go crime-fighting with he and Ralph that evening. Colin said that should be fine.

Katerine called Colin to organise dinner with him. They met an hour later and dined.

Into the wee hours of the morning Colin, Ralph and Piotr scoured the city, preventing crime where they found it.

Monday the 30th Ocober, 2000. Matt rose at 7 to go for a run and practice combos under the sea, in an effort to strengthen himself. Two hours later he changed and teleported himself to work.

Katerine was awoken early by Colin, who presented her with a sandwich in a paper bag as he ushered her out to work.

John arrived to the office and was, for the first time, greeted by people already arrived. He, Kat and Matt began the morning meeting and had breakfast.
Briefly after the meeting, Matt checked his e-mail to find one from Samantha, detailing his actions with Niles' files and that she was calling a board meeting at the earliest convenience. He immediately called his lawyers in America, telling them he wanted 24 hour legal advice on hand.

Piotr, immediately upon waking, asked Susan to search the web for persons claiming credit for Niles' murder. He then sat in conetmplation of the clues. Suddenly, he hit upon the realisation that he hadn't talked to the maid who had found the body! Racing from his office, he headed for Niles' hotel.
Arriving soon after, he asked whether she was on duty. Finding that she was, he went to question her. He found that she perfectly matched the physical profile he had formed from the evidence: 5' 9", heavy around the middle, right handed. And the prints on Niles' doorknob were only his and hers alone. Piotr began to suspect that the woman had indeed physically performed the act, but she seemed truthful in her statement that she had never met him, so he suspected that she had been mind-switched with Dean.

He called Matt and organised to meet him at Seeddey's to discuss Dean, as Matt was the only one available who knew him.
They met, talked and compared notes. Matt commented on the implorable awfulness of what Seeddey's referred to as "cuisine" and even "drinks". Piotr said that he always brought contacts there, as there was cheap food and plentiful glasses to throw.

Next session is 17th of March.

WAY LATE UPDATE: 23rd April, 2002

Summary of England stuff:

Everyone from Australia arrived the evening of November the 1st, booked into hotel. Next morning Samantha, Rachel, Lindsay and Matt went into closed board meeting. When they emerged Lindsay announced that Matt was in no trouble but was to contact the companies to whom he had sold Niles' inventions and rescind the sales.
Katerine and Samantha got into a medium sized bitch at one another.
Antonio decided to go to Fletcher Industries' psychic research division and show them his powers, in an attempt to infiltrate them. He was greeted by a researcher who went through and attempted to test his abilities but didn't have a scope by which to measure the magnitude of his telekinesis.
Also attending to the Fletcher Industries building were Lindsay and Piotr, staking out the car park for "Patrick", who they hoped was in fact Dean using another name.
And finally, Joseph and Tyrone went astrally into the building. Locating Dean, Joseph returned to his body and then proceeded to the cafe from which Piotr and Lindsay were conducting their stakeout.
Later, Samantha decided to also sneak into Fletcher Industries and did so by shapechanging into a parcel which she got Joseph to carry into the building and deliver, disguised as a courier. She had no particular success in finding Dean and resorted to her cat form in order to escape.

Later that evening, Piotr, Steve, Rachel, Joseph, Antonio and Sam went to the police station in which Francesca, the woman who murdered Niles, was being held. While Steve, Rachel and Piotr waited in the car, Joseph took up a nearby position to the building so that he could switch off the power in case of an emergency. Antonio went inside to find the head of the Niles' murder case. Finding the second in command, he asked to speak with him for awhile and was taken to an interview room. He then proceeded to stall the guy and get a shot of him on his M-CARD.
Samantha, outside, inspected this image and morphed into the man. She headed down to the interrogation room where Francesca was being held. She entered past the guards and interviewed Francesca, who seemed to have not remembered killing Niles until a few days before, nor that she had killed him because she felt slighted for his ignoring her after sleeping with her.
Sam, frustrated by lack of solid answers, changed into a woman with angel wings and told Francesca that the devil made her do it, to demand a lawyer and a psychiatrist and that God forgave her. Francesca, understandibly, freaked out out. Reverting to the form of the police detective, Sam left the building.
After recieving a call telling him he could stop stalling the guy, Antonio left the building.
The next day, Samantha, Rachel, Steve and Antonio flew back to Australia; Joseph got Tyrone to return him.

Next session:

9.00am, Friday November 3rd, 2000: Matt calls one of the offices of the EuroConcordat to speak about Super Securities becoming an anti-terrorism task force. Deal to be made soon.
Inspecting the papers at the office, the main story of note was the set of pictures: showing Matt, Katerine, Wong Fei Hong and Lady War together. Matt made calls to the major papers, making a statement that the Chinese were under Sealand amnesty and had been given Sealand citizenship.

Katerine voiced her concern over the fact that there was not a percievable criminal posthuman presence, meaning either powers go only to good people (which she refuted by the point that she obviously wasn't a good person) or that she villains were hiding too well.

Deciding they wanted to speak with Francesca, Kat snuck into police headquarters and stole the wallet of one of the Scottish detective taskforce. Returning to the office, she forged a similar set of police papers with Lindsay's picture and the name of Moira McTaggart, a police psychologist.
Lindsay and Katerine headed to the police headquarters. Katerine, invisibly, dropped the wallet behind a pot plant so that it could be found later. Lindsay went down into the bowels of the station to see Francesca while Kat followed unseen. Lindsay read Francesca's mind and found that she was a complete loony.

Piotr flew over to Sealand to speak with Lam and Wong Fei Hong, regarding his suspicion that someone was trying to start a war between China and the rest of the world. The major suspect remained Japan.

Later that evening, Lindsay and Piotr went to Francesca's house to investigate it. They found photo albums full of wedding pictures from a variety of weddings and many photos of Francesca, aimed as if there should be another person there. In the wardrobe were clothes for two people, though the men's clothes were obviously untouched for at least a year. The kitchen was set out with many different sets of cutlery and crockery, but always pairs of each. In short, the woman's a freak.

Saturday the 4th of November, 2000: Midday rolled around with no fanfare and Piotr stirred himself. He looked and the paper and found several interesting stories: Matt was involving himself in no holds barred pit fighting; the US was proposing putting radio tags on teen criminals to track them; Street drug prices were apparently rising; Mayne bio-tech had purchased an exciting new technology from an unnamed seller; and two ATMs had been stolen from a shopping mall by someone who ramraided the building on a motorbike. Piotr decided to investigate this last one. He called Katerine's M-CARD and spoke to Colin, organising to meet him and Ralph at Vic's Pizzeria at 8.
Heading over to Colin's apartment to find Ralph, Piotr found him in a bathrobe. He invited him over to this investigation, which he accepted.
Arriving at the scene, Piotr quickly located the Mall's security manager and asked if he could have a look around. He quickly realised that the hole in the wall was only that of a man, not a man on a bike. He also noticed that the ATMs had obviously been lifted from their positions, not dragged.
He then requested the security footage from one of the nearby shops. Katerine arrived and took the tape back to the office, where she got Susan to enhance it to a more useful level.
Piotr and Ralph went back to Piotr's office, where a moving van, as requested by Piotr, was waiting. They loaded it up and drove it over to the Super Solution's office. Soon they had set up Piotr's new locale.
They then found Katerine in the meeting room looking at the tape. Quickly their enhanced senses spotted what her normal ones could not: a secondary reflection of the crime. The tape showed a man walk up to the ATM, pick it up in his arms and walk away; then the process repeated itself.
Getting Susan to convert the black and white footage to colour by scale assignation, Piotr established the man's hair colour, but little else. He asked Ralph, whom he knew to be at least very strong, if he could lift an ATM. He replied that he didn't think he could.

At eight that evening the three of them went to Vic's Pizzeria. They dined and took a quarter of the pizza with them to the roof, where Colin was waiting in his costume. While eating, Colin mentioned the name Tony "The Chicken" Torconne in passing. Piotr inquired who this was and Colin looked surprised that Piotr didn't know, since Tony had been in London for eight years, having escaped the New York incident. Spinning the pizza box randomly, Colin lead the group over the rooftops on a search pattern.
Several muggers and car thieves later, the four came upon the ATM thief, apparently making a drug deal in a side alley. Piotr froze the dealer but failed to restrain the thief while Katerine and Ralph leaped down from the roof to engage him. In response to his sudden accostment, the man, who sounded faintly American, bounded toward the mouth of the alley at superhuman speed, tearing concrete to do so. Katerine stuck him in the leg with a dagger as he sped away, then began pursuit. Piotr climbed down a drain pipe to deal with the dealer.
With a two block lead the American looked behind him. Seeing Katerine still in pursuit, he swore and lifted an ambulance from the kerb. Seeing a two ton vehicle flying toward them in a high arc, Katerine and Ralph scattered. Piotr emerged from the alley and froze the ambulance in time. The enormous silver bubble gently touched down. As Piotr released it from the bubble and it landed heavily, though unharmed, on its wheels, the two paramedics came out of the restaurant they had been dining at to see what was going on. Katerine picked the door lock and released the handbrake to make it seem that the car had just rolled away.
Awaking the unconscious dealer, Charlie, Piotr interrogated him. Ralph told him he probably had a concussion, so Katerine got the paramedics to take him away while everyone else slipped away into the night, returning home.
Except for Piotr, who decided that he needed to find out about this Tony "The Chicken" of whom he had never heard. He stopped time and caught a night's sleep before proceeding to Seedy's Bar, to speak with some hoods. One of his regular informants, Avery, said that he'd already told him he'd revealed all he knew about Tony several weeks before. He seemed absolutely convinced that Piotr already knew Tony.

Next session is 5th of May, 5 as usual. So very sorry for lateness of update.

10th May, 2002:

Session starts somewhat rewound in time, morning of Saturday the 4th of November.
Matt headed to the American consulate to vote in the Presidential election. He did his part (Democrat of course) and retired to the office. In the foyer, he found his brother, Andy, eating company doughnuts. After telling Susan not to let Andy have any doughnuts in future, Matt asked why Andy was here. Andy replied that he'd got into something of a jam after he burnt his house down and got kicked out of college. He had come to Matt to ask him to help.
Matt decided that some time in a structured environment would do him good and immediately summoned the helicopter from Sealand to take them there.

Just before dawn Piotr was staking out Tony "the Chicken"'s place. He looked out over the skyline and saw the first peeking of the sun over the horizon. Suddenly this image swept forward, miles across the city, past the beach and to the coast of France, where he saw planes taking off. Somewhere between three and a dozen of these red streaks of motion left the ground and shot off across the sea, toward Sealand...

Matt lay abed when he was awoken by the intercom:
"Sir, we have a slight proble..". The voice was cut off as huge explosion rocked the tower and concrete sprayed Matt's face and torso, piercing deep into his organs. Despite his pain, he managed to generate his armour and teleported to Andy's room. Gathering Andy up, he headed to the roof, where he saw Wong Fei Hong leap from the deck toward one of the sources of the explosions: a small plane painted with the colours of the Chinese flag.
The building was shaken by a third explosion before Matt ordered the two soldiers who'd made it up to return inside in search of their comrades.
The deck, with a sickening screech, tilted at a 45 degree angle as the first tower collapsed under its own weight. Matt gripped andy tight as he slid toward the ocean and attempted to call out on his M-CARD, only to find a hole in the center of it's rear.
As Matt neared the ocean's surface he felt the other end of the deck lose its support when the second tower fell, snapping the decking into many jagged chunks. Matt summoned all of his strength to boost his gate's capacity to it's maximum, hurling himself, Andy and a fair few gallons of seawater through into the foyer of Super Solutions, England.
Bleeding internally and tiring fast, Matt told Andy to call an ambulance before he blacked out.

Piotr arrived at the office as the paramedics loaded Matt, bleeding and surprisingly pink-skinned. Piotr climbed into the back of the ambulance and introduced himself to Andy, then time-froze Matt for the trip, explaining it to Andy as a new sort of oxygen tent.
Matt was rushed into hospital and went through two hours of surgery before the surgeons lost him. Lindsay took Andy back to the office and explained why Matt was able to teleport. He attempted to pick up Susan and Lindsay informed him that she was a robot.
Piotr and Katerine got a helicopter to take them out to Sealand to survey the damage. They found a mere meter of concrete sticking out of the water and a piece of floating red metal, which they took for investigation. Flying east they found Wong Fei Hong swimming toward France. They lifted him into the helicopter and rushed him to Brighton Hospital. Piotr remained with him as he went into surgery to treat the third degree burns over 90% of his body.
Katerine took the helicopter back to London ad met up with Lindsay and Andy. She revealed that her boyfriend was a vigilante when he stated his intent to seek revenge on the people who killed his brother.
Then he noticed a slight shine to his skin...

Next session should be the 19th of May.

23rd of May, 2002:

Session starts, Monday the 6th of November, 2000. Andy, feeling the effects of jetlag, got up quite early and, unable to return to sleep, headed over to the local Police and Citizens Youth Club to get some boxing lessons, in order to better harness his newfound superhuman strength.
After his lesson he went to the office and began sorting some of the stuff in Matt's office.

Not too far away, Lindsay was lifting her head from the toilet and washing her face, the last of the morning's vomitting abated. Still, the tang in her mouth made her suspect that she'd been drinking tin-flavoured milkshakes all the night while asleep. She showered, dressed and hopped in her car to go to work.
Arriving, she asked Susan for the latest news of interest: The Democrats had won the election; some biologists were experimenting with tadpoles for "insights" into lab-growing replacement eyeballs; and, the news of which she was already far more aware than she'd hoped: Matt was dead, blown up in his island fortress.

After slipping into conversation with Andy, he told her: "I've been staring at those doughnuts since I arrived and I still don't want one."
"That's good, they're terrible for you."
"But I don't want ANYTHING. I got up at six and I haven't eaten anything, but I'm not hungry." "Maybe it's a function of the armour. Have you checked?" "Um, how?" "Matt said he had a heads-up display kind of thing. Do you have one?" "I don't know, I'll look." He stared off into space and a whirl of coloured light flashed across his eyes. "Self-sealed nutrition system. I guess I don't need to eat. But that means I'll never taste food again!"
"It doesn't necessarily mean you can't eat, just that you don't have to." "I dunno, let's see. Susan, can you bring me a glass of milk?" "Certainly.", the android replied, walking off toward the kitchen. She returned momentarily bearing the requested item. Andy took it from her and drink it down cautiously. Feeling fine, he handed the glass back to Susan, who took it away.

Near the end of the experiment, Colin managed to wake Katerine from her slumber. She readied herself and headed to work. She spoke with Andy for a while in regards to "posthumanity", the term she used for having powers beyond normals. She revealed that she was over seventy years old and could make knives out of thin air. Impressed and confused at the same time, Andy went and start making arrangements to ship Matt's body back to Colorado for his funeral.
Lindsay retired to her office to put in some time studying obstetric medicine. She soon discovered that the horrible metallic taste in her mouth was a natural occurence. Irritating, but natural.
Kat asked Susan to look up Savate instructors from directories. Susan showed her that most were in Paris, though there was one in Canterbury, almost a hundred miles East of London. Irritated, she went and spoke to Lindsay on the matter. They decided that perhaps American-style kickboxing was probably a better approach.

Tired of research, Lindsay gathered up Kat and Andy; the three headed out to go shopping. It was only later that Andy found out that it was for dresses and he stood around feeling embarrased. Eventually, he convinced them to leave and they went to a local pub for a drink. Andy commented on the strength of the beer and Lindsay had a brandy to soothe the awful taste.

The three, bored as anything, tried to think of something to do that evening. Katerine brought up the idea of going out with Colin and Ralph. Andy seemed particularly enthusiastic to go out beating up criminals with impunity. Lindsay called Susan and asked her to manufacture a black mask from Indestructo-fibre, to conceal her identity. They then went and had dinner with Colin before meeting Ralph on a rooftop.

Spotting Charlie the dealer in his regular area, they decided to send him a message reminding him not to continue his business: Andy swooped down from a roof, crashtackling the man into unconsciousness. Katerine searched him and destroyed the drugs she found.

In confrontation with a trio of muggers, Katerine broke one of their legs before hastening the victim on her way.

In the final case of the night, they spotted a group of men loading electronic goods into a truck. Determining quickly that they were not the men's rightful goods, they closed in. Andy walked away down the street. Ralph and Colin took up positions on the adjacent roofs while Lindsay walked toward them, Katerine following invisibly.
Lindsay lifted a box from the truck and carried it toward the store from which the men had taken it. Several men came out of the store and confronted her. She placed the box down and one of the men moved to pick it up. Katerine kicked him in the head, slamming him into unconsciousness before he knew it. Lindsay was forced to draw her guns on the men as they did the same. She shot one in the leg foot before the third man opened fire, hitting her in the head and chest. Neither harmed her, (thanks to her armoured catsuit and mask) and she shot the gun from his grasp just as an arrow from Colin's bow went to do the same. The arrow, only slightly off course, embedded itself through the man's hand and he went screaming to the ground.
Andy, having turned around a hundred metres down the street, flew at top speed into the front of the truck, burying himself to the waist in its engine block.
Katerine made herself visible and shot toward the open shop door just as two more men came out toward her. Lindsay dropped one with a blast to the knee, but the other shot Katerine in the face, though it was only a graze. She mustered the courage to pummel the man into unconsciousness before he could fire again.
Andy gradually clawed his way out of the engine and started carrying boxes back to the shop before he was confronted with the horrific scene. He held back the urge to vomit and steeled himself for the task at hand. All five moved boxes from the truck back to the shop and took money from the crooks' wallets to leave for the owners in recompense for the damages.

Tired and wounded, they all went home as sirens approached.

The next day was spent in rather more relaxed fashion:
Andy returned to the PCYC for more boxing classes and weight lifting, then to the warehouse in the office so that he could fly around with little chance of harming anyone.

Lindsay began work on her legal studies and did more research on obstetrics. She also ordered a book on teaching herself French.

Katerine (naturally) slept in, then went about buying new gym equipment: A kick-bag, a boxing speedball, a wide range of weights and a set of targets for throwing or shooting. She spent the rest of the day making use of these new facilities.

Next session is the 2nd of June (A mere four days before the Spider-man movie opens!)

June 18th, 2002

Hugely late England update, due to business. Alas.

Session started the morning of Wednesday the 8th of November, 2000. Andy, once again unable to find great solace in sleep, headed to the office and checked the day's news, which contained a story on a posse of vigilantes terrorising criminals. He spent the next hour and a half staring at the doughnuts and coffee on the meeting room table before dozing off.
Lindsay awoke to the usual rush of horrible nausea before leaving for the office. She arrived to find an e-mail from Tyrone awaiting her, regarding company expenditures and accounting. She replied in short order.
Katerine came into the office around midday, to find Andy asleep in the meeting room. Giving into her wicked side, she tipped him off his chair. He went off to sulk for the next little while as Lindsay finished her obstetrics research. Then the three of them went out to lunch.
At lunch, Lindsay's pregnancy was raised in conversation and Andy asked where her husband was. She told him about Niles and how he'd died. Andy was relieved to hear that she wasn't one of those loose women. This sent Katerine into fits of laughter.
They also discussed checking in on Wong Fei Hong. Katerine called Brighton hospital to check it was okay and was told that they had no asian patients. Calling Piotr to confirm that he had indeed put Wong in, he verified positive. Concerned, the three of them got in Katerine's car and drove down to Brighton. Arriving at about 2:30 in the afternoon, Andy went off to do touristy things while Lindsay and Katerine went to the hospital.
In reasonably short order they had established that Wong was exactly where he'd been left, but hadn't been identified as asian due to his extensive burns. They went up to see him, finding him in a coma. Andy came in at that point, bearing a cheap disposable camera and some local candy. The orderly who was assisting them quietly informed them that in whatever fate had befallen Wong he had lost certain parts of his anatomy that a man would not want to lose. Andy winced, unaware that it had been many years since Wong had been parted with his genitals.
Secure in the knowledge that Wong was stable, even if comatose, they returned to the car for the trip back to London. Putting some consideration into the pictures of Matt, Wong Fei Hong, Lady War and herself, Katerine emailed Tyrone to ask if he could scry who sent the photos to the papers.
Arriving back in London, she gave the piece of metal she had retrieved from the wreckage of Sealand to Susan, who set to work analysing it. Andy, tired of running into things, decided to put in some flying practice.

Later that evening they met up with Colin for dinner before going out to beat on criminals.
After a couple of dull muggings they came upon an apartment block with smoke billowing from a second story window. Andy picked up Katerine and flew into the open window. Luckily, she managed to jump off before he went crashing into the wall inside. He climbed to his feet and checked the doorknob. Touching it, he couldn't feel any heat, so he opened the door to a rush of smoke. The kitchen of the flat was alight, flaming wallpaper crackling and dropping from the ceiling. Katerine flung open the front door and headed upstairs to warn people on the upper floors. Lindsay, out the front of the building, called the fire department while she picked the lock on the front door.
Meanwhile, Andy turned off the stove (which was the source of the fire) and followed upstairs to where Katerine was knocking hastily on doors. She found all locked and unanswered. Most worried about the one directly above the flaming apartment, she tried the door. Locked. Wanting desparately to get within, she vanished. As Andy came up the stairs behind her, he watched in amazement as suddenly her clothes appeared in front of him, fluttering to the floor. Moments later, the door in front of him opened and an invisible Katerine picked up her clothes, putting them on on the way downstairs. The only person still inside had been evacuated.
Contacting Susan, they tracked down the resident of the burning flat, one Timothy Dawson, a student at the local university. They decided to investigate the matter further in the morning, heading off as the fire brigade pulled up.

Later, over on the dockside of town, they spotted a pair of gangs facing off. Katerine and Andy walked up brazenly, confronting them. The thugs surrounded them and one of them managed to stab Andy in the leg before his armour had time to activate. The superhumans, naturally, managed to wipe the floor with them, however. One tried to run from his obviously superior foes and Andy flew after him, tackling him to the ground at a hundred miles an hour. The guy went down and Andy regained his feet before realising that the guy was not moving at all.
Colin went to a nearby phone-box to call the police as Katerine and Lindsay took Andy home.

Next session is June the 23rd, regular 5pm time.

Wednesday, 17th July, 2002

Very late update, sadly. Two sessions present and accounted for. Here goes.

Session starts Thursday the 9th of November, 2000. Andy awoke, his leg still aching from the nasty stab he'd received the night before. Feeling crap, he headed straight to the office, not bothering to shower or shave before leaving. He got there to find no-one present yet, not really surprising since he'd arrived at a little after nine, when neither Katerine (with her propensity to sleeping in), nor Lindsay (with her rising morning sickness) had recently made a habit or coming in before at least eleven. He resigned himself to a couple of lonely hours in the gym, practicing his aerial maneuvering, if only to avoid the fatal collision from last night's brawl. Fatal the other guy, of course.

Lindsay dragged herself into work around eleven, the nausea mostly past. Mere minutes after her entry, she received a call from Francis Buckingham, one of the mercenaries from Super Securities, thought to be dead since Sealand's complete destruction. He had called to check that the office had not been more subtly compromised than the Sealand base and his hopes having paid off, came into the office. Lindsay and Andy interviewed Francis over breakfast. He revealed that after spotting the missile planes heading for the tower of the base and attempting to shoot them down, he had dove the thirty meters into the sea. Swimming as fast as he could, he had managed to avoid the worst of the blasts as they downed the concrete structure. Then, after surveying the site to see if there were any more survivors, he had swum all the way to the British shore.
Partway through the interview, Katerine arrived. Susan casually mentioned to her that Francis was present and she bolted to the meeting room, her coffee forgotten in the rush. She and Lindsay ensured that he was able to be set up with a hotel room and money while the fiasco was sorted out.

After he left, Katerine and Lindsay began discussions on the acquisition of more troops for Super Securities. Katerine showed Lindsay the usual method of contacting mercenaries, which involved encoded newspaper messages. They set about placing an ad in the personals, surreptitiously worded to be an ad for mercenary forces. At that point, Andy came in and asked if they were looking for a man. He hastily retreated when Katerine informed him that they were in fact looking for about a dozen at once.

Having returned to the gym after his embarrassment was too much to bear, Andy set about training for a while longer. He got a phone call from a Doctor Simmons, who had inspected Matt's body. He told Andy that he suspected that Matt had been keeping a secret from the rest of the world. Andy prepared himself to have to explain Matt's Posthumanity to the doctor, but was informed that Matt had been suffering from widespread cancer, bound to have killed him within a year if not for his death at the hands of the Chinese government. Andy thanked the Doctor and informed the others of the news.
Somewhat worried about the repercussions of the news, they had Susan scan Andy for any cancerous growths. The tests showed none.

Concerned over the appearance of the unidentified "strong man", who threw a car at Katerine and Ralph, they decided to track him down. Katerine contacted a friend of hers and acquired a small radio tracking device. Heading out into the foggy London night, they leapt across the rooftops, surveying the streets. They ignored a petty mugging, seeking out larger prey.

After an hour or so of searching they spotted "Mister Strong" in front of a busy nightclub. Katerine slipped the tracker into his pocket while Andy removed his armour and all but Colin (who stayed on a rooftop across the street to keep watch) lined up to enter the club in pursuit. In short order they were inside. Andy stayed near the door, in case the guy made a break for it. Kat approached the man, who was sitting with another guy, British by his accent. Soon the pair were identified as Bill, an American, here on holiday and Jake Simmons, a British Doctor. Lindsay distracted Jake while Kat interrogated Bill on his criminal activities. He told her that he was from San Francisco and was looking for some drugs to entertain himself.
Lindsay's conversation proved to be interesting, as Jake brought up current affairs about which she had yet to here: Matt's body had been taken by the US military.
Meanwhile, Andy had been "distracted" from his guard duty by an attractive young woman by the name of Justine.

Eventually the trio left the club, Kat with answers, Lindsay with shocking news and Andy with a pretty lass' phone number.

The next day, the girls grilled Andy about his liaison of the night before. Kat checked the PO Box which she had specified for the ad, found the resume of one Connor McCoy, ex- Scottish Commando. She called him and got him to come into the office for an interview.

Andy called his parents and asked them if they'd been contacted about Matt's body. They replied that they had but hadn't really been told anything.
Andy called the Amercian Consulate in London to ask them about the military taking his brother's corpse. The Consulate General told him that they had taken it back to America for investigation of Matt's murder in international waters. He also said that he thought the parents had been more fully informed. Andy filed an official complaint and hung up.

After Connor arrived, Katerine and Lindsay ascertained the nature of his training and abilities, accepting him after he told them he could pilot a helicopter. Kat quietly got Susan to do a background check on Connor, to ensure that he was legitimate and who he said he was. The details of his resume were confirmed, including large chunks of his history being marked classified. Informing him that they would take him on board, they also invited him out to a local pub, the Lion & Unicorn, for an after-work get together.
Andy called up Justine and asked if she wanted to come, to which she agreed. Andy picked her up and met up with the others, arriving on his newly purchased motorbike.

Andy, Justine, Katerine, Colin, Lindsay and Connor had a nice, quiet evening at the pub then went home variously alone or paired off.

Saturday afternoon, as it was one before all had risen, Kat set about getting a new passport for her trip to America, as she had slipped through customs on her trip to Laos but wanted to go to the US legitimately. Lindsay booked tickets for herself, Kat, Andy and Connor.

Sunday the 12th, Lindsay got a phone call from Rachel: she was at the office, having come off the plane a few hours before. Rachel got a taxi to Lindsay's flat and they chatted for a while. Rachel had come over to try and smooth out operations at the England office in the wake of Matt's death and Piotr's absence. She was also going to go over to America for Matt's funeral, since she felt like she hadn't given him enough of a chance while he was alive. Rachel got Susan to book at ticket for her on the same flight as the others.

Two days later, with Kat's passport resolved, all five of them boarded their plane and headed off to America. The plane touched down at five in the morning, Colorado time.

Next session (21st of July, 2002) begins Wednesday the 15th of November, in Denver, Colorado.

Wednesday, 24th of July, 2002

Short update, due to short session. Everyone (myself most definitely included) was feeling tired, unwell and generally not like doing involved, drawn out roleplaying, so what you see is what you get:

Session begins 5.30am, Wednesday the 15th of November, 2000. Andy, Connor, Katerine, Lindsay and Rachel touched down at Denver airport. Joined shortly by Martha and Peter Slade (Andy and Matt's parents), the whole group drove over to the Slade residence, a sprawling suburban affair.
While Peter regailed Lindsay with details about the chamber of commerce of which he was a member, Martha bored Katerine with cooking and Connor stuffed himself with fattening foods, Andy borrowed his father's car (hastily avoiding questions as to his own). He drove over to the wreckage of the house that Matt had purchased him. Pleased to see that it had at least gone out, he resolved to have it bulldozed at the earliest conveniance and returned to the house to check on everyone before he went into the city center.
There he went to the Denver office of the CIA, having called ahead for an appointment. He spoke to Special Agent Sykes, a balding, middle-aged man of ruddy complexion. Special Agent Sykes told him that the case largely hinged upon Sealand's political situation, ie. whether it was a country at ALL. Andy thanked him and returned to his parent's house, where he and the others bedded down for the evening.

Like I said, a short update for a short session. But there you go. Next session is the 4th of August, after university has gone back.

Tuesday, 10th of September, 2002

Well, here we go, THIRD TRY! I've got half way through writing this out over the last few days and each time I've had to leave the computer for a little while and when I've returned, SOMEONE (presumably Jennifer) has closed all my windows without saving them! Aargh! So, calmly, I'll try this again.

Our story starts on the morning of Thursday the 16th of November, 2000. Lindsay received a call from a former CIA associate, Tom Hammer. They arranged to have lunch. As she was getting ready, Rachel arrived and informed her that a new Director had been appointed at the mental hospital Brian Dunstone (the Queenscliff fantasy guy) was in. A Director with a reputation for non-chemical therapy. The group quickly made plans to fly back to England the day after the funeral in order to deal with the situation.

Lindsay left, followed by an invisible Katerine, for her lunch date. Tom told her that she was wanted for treason, regarding her affiliation with Sealand. Apparently the US had decided that Super Securities was Sealand's military and as she was an executive for Super Securities, she was a foreign military officer. Just before he left, he told her that he wasn't going to try and arrest her, giving her time to escape if she wanted to.

On the way back to the Slade home, Katerine and Lindsay planned her escape, booking a plane ticket to Paris for the evening after the funeral. Lindsay died her hair black to disguise herself. Katerine set to work forging Lindsay a passport.

In the morning, all got ready and went to Matt's funeral. All went smoothly for the first hour or so, when it was noticed that all the serving staff were white, unusual even for a high-class function. Connor, in preparation for trouble, went out to the car to find a weapon. Only moments after he had slipped out, the "waiters" returned from the kitchen wearing white robes and brandishing automatic rifles. The guests all huddled down in their seats while some of the terrorists moved one of the massed cameramen into the hall to begin their declarations. Just before they could begin, Connor (with his newly acquired tire-iron) burst open the rear door, drawing the terrorist's attention. Katerine turned invisible and snuck up to the door to the back, as two of the men went to investigate Connor's disturbance.
Six terrorists later, Andy put his armour on, counting on the crowd's distraction to keep his secret and began pounding the White Dawn. He tackled and punched several into unconsciousness, snapping one almost in half with a swung chair, dropping the man onto his face. Lindsay stealthily took several out with both her pistols and the gun of a fallen terrorist. In the fray, Connor was shot clean through his arm and a smaller wound in the chest. The FBI's SWAT arrived to mop up and Connor was taken to hospital,along with quite a few of the others of the crowd, as the White Dawn had sprayed the assemblage with bullets while wildly firing at Andy as he raged at them. Sadly, their leader had managed to make a hasty getaway.
Andy also left the scene in a hurry to avoid questioning by the FBI over his armour and so on. He flew to a nearby park to give himself time to freak out before calling his father, who told him that, amongst others, Randall had been shot and taken to hospital.

FBI agents individually debriefed the conscious guests in the aftermath. The one speaking to Lindsay recognised her and took her into custody.

Next session, in addition to promising to be at least interesting, is Sunday the 15th of September, 5.00pm as usual.

Friday, 7th March, 2003

Okay, I'll stick the Europe-specific summation here as well as the main page:

  • 17th November: Lindsay was arrested after the events of Matt's funeral and put on trial for treason.
  • While out on bail (itself rather unusual for people accused of treason), Lindsay and co set fire to her apartment and fled to the Confederate States
  • The US Government said nothing of her disappearance, claiming that she had been placed under protective custody
  • 6th December: Piotr returned from the fairie realms with the seventeen children, arriving in Minessota. He explains the worldwide journey by claiming that there was a child-smuggling ring. The children were sent home and Piotr met up with the others in America
  • Andy was confronted by the CSA Immigration Department, who were concerned about his lack of paperwork, having flown across the border in his armour. He claimed political asylum
  • 7th December: From the CSA, Lindsay, Andy, Katerine, Connor and Piotr flew back to England
  • 10th December: A full week after Lindsay's flight, the US Supreme Court declared its decision that Sealand is in fact a US territory and therefore Lindsay is innocent. The US begins reconstruction of Sealand. Angry talks began with Britain and France
  • 15th December: Having thoroughly examined the site of Sealand, the US declared war on the Empire of China.
  • Piotr took Lindsay (now going under "Laura"), Andy, Connor and Katerine to an underworld fight match to survey the criminal networking
  • 18th December: Lindsay supposedly released, returned to England
  • Rachel called Lindsay, asking what the hell was going on, because she had not been informed of their escape. Rachel then left for London
  • Andy visited Sealand, talked to some of the officers dealing with the reconstruction. He was reprimanded for coming without permission
  • 20th December: Rachel travelled to Sydney to spend Christmas with Samantha's family
  • Andy went back to Colorado to spend Christmas with his family
  • 21st December: Plans were made for Piotr, Katerine, Lam and Wong to travel to China. Katerine did not turn up at the airport. The others left without her. She has not been seen since
  • Connor took Lindsay and Francis to Scotland, to his father's farm
  • Piotr, Wong and Lam trekked through the Vietnam jungle, toward China
  • 29th December: Lindsay, Connor and Francis headed to the airport to catch their flight to Suva for Connor's marathon. They were encountered by a man named Lucas and a woman, Adiene. They took the pair with them.
  • Lucas explained that he had been abducted by aliens and was now hunting them down, as they were infiltrating the world, presumably for invasion purposes
  • 1st January: Connor wins the Yesteryear Marathon by a considerable amount, beating the world record
  • Lucas spotted two of the aliens ("Hollow Men"). The group tracked them.

    Now there's the zany antics after all that:

    Lindsay and Adiene ascertained the identity of one of the Hollow People as member of the hotel's staff. Andy, having partied New Years away back in America, flew over to Suva to meet up with the others.
    Andy and Lucas found a telegraph cable of Hollow origin and followed it to a warehouse five blocks from the hotel. They called the others to gather there. Lindsay followed a Hollow Person that Lucas spotted and tracked him to a youth hostel. Adiene went to the beach and performed a ritual to separate her spirit from her body.
    Once astral, she flew to the warehouse to surveil it's interior. She noted it's layout and counted the (uncomfortably high) number of Hollow People within. Returning, she gave the information to the others, who planned their strike.

    That evening they hit the warehouse. Ten Hollow People "unravelled" (the group's newfound term for their destruction) and a few human injuries later, they destroyed the metal structure that took up much of the warehouse's area. It, like the Hollow People themselves, vanished in a flash of light. The injured (including Lucas, who'd been knocked out in the fight) were taken back to the hotel.
    While Adiene administered to Lucas' wounds, Andy went alone to his own room to have a stiff drink and calm himself. Room service arrived some minutes later with his bottle of Whiskey. The staffmember surprised Andy by shooting him with some sort of green bolt which prevented his Armour from activating. The Hollow Person then attempted to blast Andy into unconsciousness and they struggled.

    Alerted by Andy's M-CARD's emergency signal, Lindsay raced to Andy's room to find him wrestling the (now one-legged) Hollow Person. She unravelled him in short order and (after retrieving it's blasting gauntlet) took Andy to Adiene's room for help.
    Adiene was clueless to Andy's statements about the green object stuck to his chest, as she could not see it. Lucas was awakened and scanned the object (which only he and Andy could see). He hastily dubbed it a "Wrangler", as it stopped Andy's "Spirit" from being active.
    During the conversation, the gauntlet Lindsay was carrying blinked away.

    Adiene posited, judging from the way the structure had vanished after the cable was cut, that it must have been receiving power from the cable and not vice-versa. So the hunt was on for the power-source.

    As of yet, no way has been found to reactivate Andy's Armour.
    Lucas and Connor are both still injured to near unconsciousness.
    Lindsay has five bullets left.
    It's going to be one hell of a battle!

    24th March, 2003

    All shacked up in Adiene's hotel room, the six licked their wounds. Lindsay and Andy were settled into drinking heavily to take the edge off when Lucas asked Francis if he could break into Josh's room. Francis agreed and Lucas went off to stall Josh.
    After a few minutes of conversation, Josh (seeming creeped out by this middle-aged guy trying to hit hit on him) left the bar. Lucas tailed him and, to his surprise, Josh left the hotel instead of returning to his room.

    He followed Josh for a couple of miles before Josh entered the gates of a secluded manor house. Lucas noticed that the cameras on the gates were Hollow Tech. He returned to the hotel to avoid detection.

    That night, Adiene had a dream vision, which she deigned not to share.
    The following morning, Connor looked out the window to see what the weather was likely to be like. He was surprised to find that he was able to say with reasonable certainty what the weather was going to be like for the next week.
    All spent the day recuperating.

    The day after was sunny and warm, belying the danger. Andy went with Lucas to scout the streets and confronted some Hollow People after Lucas pointed them out.
    After the Hollow People produced Tacklers (Lucas' new name for the blasting gloves), Andy ran for it. Connor and Lindsay raced to him to pull his fat from the fire. Lindsay escorted him back to the hotel while Connor tracked down the Hollow People.
    Connor found them in a short while and attempted to knock them out for later interrogation. He discovered that they most certainly do not fall unconscious but must be beaten to unravelling before they stop being a threat.

    Connor raced back to the hotel bearing a Tackler, which he hastily thrust onto Lucas' arm so that it would not gate away. Lucas tried the glove on and it interfaced with his formatting. He saw a bright flash of light out the hotel window, in the direction of the manor. Lindsay and Connor, both looking in an appropriate direction to have seen it, witnessed nothing.
    Lucas started worrying.

    Ezri called Lindsay, Connor and Andy on their M-CARDs to tell them that she was unable to contact Susan.
    Lindsay immediately attempted to call Susan and, getting no reply, started booking tickets back to London.

    Meanwhile, far beyond M-CARD reception:
    In the heart of China Piotr, Wong and Lam approached Peking. The city rose in front of them, as if daring them to enter.

    Next session, the return to London and the forbidden city.