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Super Solutions Australia


Wednesday, 11th of September, 2002

Big, fat update for a big, fat delay.

Tale begins: Tuesday the 21st of November, 2000. Jim headed off to the department of immigration for a routine medical checkup. They spent well more than an hour attempting to get a needle through his skin and eventually settled upon the blood vessels in his eye. When he arrived back at the office he met up with Jess and Steve. They decided to do a little more field-testing of their abilities, so they drove out to Waterfall National Park and found a secluded spot.

While testing out Jim's "Eye blast", the rock he was destroying exploded into shards, rocketting toward himself and the others. Jess found herself standing some fifty meters away, unscathed. She soon surmised that she had teleported herself somehow.

Steven, however, found himself lying face down in the dirt, pushed from behind. When he rose and turned around, he found himself standing there, giving him a hand up. Slightly puzzled, he and the others figured out that he had developed the ability to duplicate himself.

A short amount of experimentation with Jim's growth abilities later, they returned to the office with more Steves than they had when they left. Once back to the office, one Steve left again, with Jess in tow, to pick up his pistol from a police sale.

Jim, in conversation with Ezri, discovered that she had only a very limited number of opinions. He asked if she would like to go to the movies. She contacted Jess and asked if she could take over the front desk while she was out. Jim and Ezri went to the movies and enjoyed themselves.

The next morning, Jim awoke in Sam's house to a knocking at the door. He answered it to find two men in suits, holding their wallets up at him. Somewhat befuddled, he managed to get out of them that they were from the Immigration Department and that he was to come with them. He agreed and was driven away to West End Detention Centre, where he was placed in a small, bleak and very HOT room.

Tyrone, arriving at work, began making final arrangements for the inaugural Foundation meeting. He soon received a call regarding Jim's incarceration. As soon as Steve and Jess arrived, the three of them headed out to West End to see him. In reasonably short order, they ascertained that he was being detained because the CSA was lobbying for his return.
After they left, Tyrone hooked up with a law firm specialising in Immigration Law to deal with the case.

Wednesday morning, Tyrone decided to investigate the strange place in London Niles' spirit had told him about. He summoned him up (interrupted by Jess being overly curious) and inquired with him about the details, then decided to gate over to London to see for himself. Jess asked if she could come and Tyrone agreed. He settled his mind on also asking Samantha along.
He enquired with Ezri as to Samantha's location and Ezri told him that she was unconscious in her office. He raced in there to find no-one there. "Which thing is she?" He asked.
"The chair in the corner"
He attempted to rouse her and eventually did so by applying ammonia to various parts of her surface he'd hoped to be her nose. She soon awoke, spluttering and changed back to her more normal human form. She told Tyrone, Jess and Niles that she'd been experimenting with "locking" her form and that it was, it seemed, very tiring. She did, however, decide to go to London with them. Tyrone called William and asked him to go to the SSE office and prepare the ritual.

Jess, while packing clothes, talked with Rick about the fact that she was going to London. He asked her if she could take some drugs over and sell them, as they were fetching high prices over there. She, naturally, agreed.

Niles asked if there was some way he could speak with Lindsay. Dirk, who had wandered in, said that dreams could be an avenue of interest. He escorted Niles and an Astral Tyrone to Lindsay's location and aided Niles in his attempted communique.

Some hours later, the whole group arrived in London.

Samantha hired a car and driver to take her Brighton, a trip she neglected to explain to the others. She went off to find Wong in the hospital, leaving the others behind.

Jess, on the other hand, was even more deliberate in her silence, as she snuck off to deliver a backpack full of drugs to someone she knew only as Daniel. She arrived at a somewhat run-down tenement, with all it's blinds conspicuously closed. Convincing the burly man at the door that she knew Daniel, she went inside. Daniel bullied her into parting with the backpack's contents for half what she'd been told to get.
After leaving the building she assumed her shadow form and snuck back into the building, looking for more money without conflict. She found nothing readily available, but snagged back a reasonable portion of the drugs, recouping a fair amount of money.

Tyrone, on the other hand, had sought out Ralph and asked him to have a chat to Jess, who he knew was having problems with drugs and an illicit lifestyle. Ralph agreed and came to the office with Tyrone. He quickly smelled the drugs she was carrying and had a chat with her, not that it seemed to do any real good.

Tyrone and Niles went and inspected the subterranean place he had described, finding it somewhat different from his memory. Tyrone identified the location as being below an old government filing office. Tyrone returned to his body and went astral once more, this time also bringing Dirk and Jess. When they discovered a crushed body in the destroyed elevator shaft, Jess was frought and her astral form retreated to her body in fright.

Meanwhile, Samantha had arrived at Brighton hospital, found Wong and was sitting with him, wishing him better. If only so he could help them depose the awful Emperor.

Next session is September the 22nd.

Old Australia News