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The Future King of England

During his final days at Eton College, the Palace released photographs of the young prince during his five years there. William has expressed a desire to be addressed simply as "William" rather than "Sir." Upon reaching the age of eighteen, all British royals thus far have chosen to be referred to as "His [or Her] Royal Highness" and addressed as "Your Royal Highness" or "Sir [Ma'am]." William does not wish to use this style until the completion of his education and the beginning of his formal royal duties. This will be at some point after his graduation from university. It appears that we have his very human mother Diana to thank for these humble qualities that she instilled in this extraordinary young man.

In happier times: Tiny Prince William wearing his little riding hat and puffy winter coat, leading his pony at the Wales's Highgrove estate

Upon the death of his mother,
September 5, 1997

The pensive Prince, at Eton

Prince William, leading his schoolmates to class on his first day at Eton, 1995

William, playing soccer at Eton

The Princes William and Harry with their father during a visit to Wales, January 2000

For Prince William, as he travels through this life:

May the blessing of light be with you--
light outside and light within.
May sunlight shine upon you and warm your heart
'til it glows like a great peat fire
so that the stranger may come and warm himself by it.
May a blessed light shine out of your two eyes
like a candle set in two windows of a house,
bidding the wanderer to come in out of the storm.
May you ever give a kindly greeting to those whom you pass
as you go along the roads.
May the blessing of rain--the sweet, soft rain--fall upon you
so that little flowers may spring up to shed their sweetness in the air.
May the blessings of the earth--the good, rich earth--be with you.
May the earth be soft under you when you rest upon it,
tired at the end of the day.
May earth rest easy over you when at the last you lie under it.
May earth rest so lightly over you that your spirit
may be out from under it quickly,
and up, and off,
and on its way to God.

An Irish Blessing

Psalm 15

A Psalm of David

O Lord, who may abide in Thy tent?
Who may dwell on Thy holy hill?
He who walks with integrity, and
works righteousness,
And speaks truth in his heart.
He does not slander with his tongue,
Nor does evil to his neighbor,
Nor takes up a reproach against his
In whose eyes a reprobate is despised,
But who honors those who fear the
He swears to his own hurt, and does
not change;
He does not put out his money at in-
Nor does he take a bribe against the
He who does these things will never be shaken.


[Tracked by Hitmatic]