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Jeremy Page Interviews Ronnie

Below are two interviews with Mr. Ronnie Martin conducted by Mr. Jeremy Page

1. My goal is to release a landmark album (which I'm working on) and to grow in my walk with the Lord. I want the band as well as my life to keep progressing. I get very distressed when I feel like things aren't progressing.

2. To put out original and creative synthesizer bands. Joy Electric has been the only band in the industry to put out true electronic music for so long, so I want to introduce other bands to the public that are using analogue synthesizers as the basis for their sound. I want to see it grow into something with a very solid fanbase, so that the fans can grow with us as well. I really believe that we are the most unique label the Christian industry has to offer. And that's not much of a stretch, either.

3. The new album has been very long coming, as I will have worked well over a year on it when it's complete. It's a very dark and complex record both musically and lyrically. It's the first of a 2-3 part series of records so I'm striving to make a classic. I cant exactly explain the title. You'll have to read the story and lyrics when it comes out so you can draw your own conclusions.

5. I want people to get a sense of length, width and depth out of it. A record that can be tirelessly played time and time again, while with each listen you can hear sounds and ideas that didn't catch your ears before. An album to grow old with, so to say.

6. Christiansongs took around 6 months or so and this one will be about 15 months. That doesn't mean that every second of every day was spent working of course, but the time set aside to make the records spanned that period of time.

7. Ocassionally.

8. Jeff hasn't contributed musically to this record as of yet. The music side of the band is really my vision, whereas Jeff handles the more management/booking side of things.

9, I like the new Pony Express tracks, I think he did a good job. I do listen indie stuff, but no emo. I'm still trying to figure out what the difference between emo is sonically, as opposed to say, Matchbox 20. It really all just sounds like typical 4 chord modern rock/pop. Without the modern part of course. I like pop music with musical twists.

10. The next band I'm putting out: Soviet.

11. Married.

12. June 19th 2001

13. No we haven't, actually. This will be our first year at Kingdom Bound Six Flags in August.

14. I dont think I'll be doing anymore MXPX songs. It was a one time thing for me. I'm not really very fond of bands doing cover songs, but I had never done it before so I thought to try it.

15. I thought it was great. It sounded just like something Mike would have written, which has always been my point. A song is a song. It's the instrumentation that I've gotten so much grief over, but that's because most people dont really listen to the actual song. Oh well. I'm flattered they did it.

16. Thank you for thinking of us for an interview.


Ok, Jeremy, here you go:

1) so whats up with the title the white song book ? what is the story behind it does it have a influenced back ground for the tittle ? what are some of your favorite songs you recorded off the white song book?

The White Songbook is just the first title for this series of albums I'm starting. It hasn't changed, really. It is about the story of an old man who is able to see back into his life when he finds a white songbook the opens up the past, magically. Some of my favorite songs are Shepherds of the Northern Pasture, The Boy Who Never Forgot, The Heritage Bough, etc.

2) why did you change the name from the legacy of the white song book vol 1 to the white song book ?

The title never changed. Legacy is the name of the series, White Songbook is the name of the first installment.

3) what is it in the vein of christian songs or stuff like melody ?

It's a mix of the two, but much darker, and not quite as fast overall.

4) if you were stranded on a island and had a choice of three lifesavers lsu tapes which tapes would you pick ?

Shaded Pain is probably the only tape I would choose. It's all I would need really because it's such a cut above all the others.

5) what have you been listening to lately ?

The new Radiohead, Metamatics, old Human League records, Thomas Dolby, Mogwai.

6) wil there ever be a joy electric christmas cd ? or will there ever be joy electric boxed set ?

I dont know about a Christmas CD, but a boxed set is in the works. Probably next year.

7) what do you think of all the posts on the message boards on plastiq musiq and your site if you ever read them does it ever scare you when you read posts from fans ? i go too the board alot i see alot of strange posts .

I read them on ocassion. There are some wierd discussions on there, so I guess I wish it would stay a little more grounded. I wish the Plastiq site would maybe focus on the bands a little more, like Soviet and Norway. Nevertheless, it's a discussion forum, so anything anybody wants to talk about is fine.

8) have you got to see cush play live yet or hear there cd ? and if you did what did you think of mike knotts new stuff ?

I have seen them play and heard the album. It's ok......

9) what are some new bands that might be out soon on plastiq musiq ?

Just new Soviet, Norway, and some new compilations. Possibly a release by a new band called "I Satellite." What I really need is for all of you discussion board guys to really support and buy these records!!

10) when will the street team packages be sent out ?

Proabably August 1st.

11) any final comments ?

Thanks a lot for all of the support. It means a lot!