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Lightning Music Magazine Interview W/ Jeff Cloud

Lightning Music Magazine was a publication that never got off the ground. However it did manage to get a decent interview with Jeff Cloud through email, so you could say it was sort of a lost interview. Here it is, in it's entirety.

From: VBM
To: "Lightning Musiq M."
Subject: Re: To Mr. J Cloud
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 11:20:36 -0800
>1. How long have you and Ronnie been playing together?
Ever since Rainbow Rider. I had a short gap during the Melody album in which I was not able to tour, so our friend Kurt filled in for me.
>2.Since Ronnie is the lead singer,lead synths,etc and Caleb is the drummer >does that make you sort of the bass player?
I guess so. Caleb actually plays additional keyboards.
>3.Do you enjoy the kind of music you play with Joy Electric?
>4.How would you say playing with Joy Electric is diffrent than Pony Express?
It's pretty much all the same. Songs are all just chords, so to be honest playing with Starflyer, Pony, or Joy E isn't all that different.
>5.I heard it took Ronnie 6 months to complete "The Magic Of" is that true?
You know maybe not 6 months solid time, but it does take him a long time. I did absolutely zero on that song except for name it.
>6. A little while ago I read that your father and your wife's father were >having medical problems. Is any of that getting better? I want you to know I >kept you in my prayers during that time.
Yes, both are way better now. Thanks for your prayers.
>7.Do you guys enjoy shooting the new music video's better than the other >ones?
No. They aren't too much fun to make. ! extra long day shooting the same scene like 20 times.
>8.What scares you the most?
The Blair Witch Project.
>9.And what makes you feel most comfortable?
Being at home. Hanging out with my wife and friends. Doing Velvet Blue.
Thanks. If you need anything else let me know.
J. Cloud