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Lost in the forest~A Joy electric fansite

Updates:09/26/02 - New look, new-ish layout. I hope it's satisfactory....Really simple, but I think it looks nice, don't you? None of the content has really changed...I do plan on adding more to the lyrics and links section very soon, so please do look for it. (as an added note, just because I feel it should be.... It's the lovely webmistress' birthday tomorrow! Happy birthday, Britney ^o^ Completing this site layout(finally!)was a bit of a present for her ^^)

Song lyrics - Coming soon
Vote Caster
Special features
Want to become member? Click here
Free email @ the fan club!
Message board
Fan fiction
Links - coming soon
LITF Classifieds

Qoute of the week

How is progress made/ When it stops before it's time?

-Ronnie Martin

The carousel of progress