Introducing the World Socialist Movement

The WSM consists of ordinary people who have organised themselves democratically with one objective; to bring about a complete change in world society. Although small, we are made up of companion parties and groups in several countries.


Everybody in the WSM has equal value and equal power. Real democracy is fundamental to socialists. The revolutionary transformation of society must be brought about by the will of the great majority of the people if it is to succeed.

The Task

All the necessary conditions of production and communication now exist for establishing a world socialist society. What is lacking is the understanding and will among those men and women who would most benefit from it. The task for socialists is to spread the necessary information as widely and thoroughly as possible. This often involves correcting a great deal of misinformation put out by those who want society to remain as it is, with all its poverty, oppression, and war.


We have a thorough analysis of the workings of present society, how it is developing, and what needs to be done to make changes that would be beneficial for the human race.

We are hearing increasingly from like-minded people around the world - new socialist parties are being formed now.

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