Java Programming - Basic
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Java Programming
Module I - Basic
Module II - Advance

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Java Programming Series

Module II – Advance Java Programming (Applets and Swing)

Course Fee: P4,500 Course Duration: 36 hours

Module II enhances basic knowledge on Java and digs deeper into object-oriented programming. Students will learn and develop programs that supports multithreading. They can create an application or applet using Java Components or Swing; practice and develop a program that terminates gracefully.

Course Objectives:

After the course of studies, the trainees will be able
  • To understand the concept of multithreading and develop a program that supports this concept;
  • Create an application or an applet using Java Components or Swing;
  • Practice and develop a program that terminates gracefully.
Course Outline:

1. Exception and Exception handling
  • Error handling using exceptions
  • Throwing exceptions
2. Threads and multi-threading
  • Introduction to threads
  • Customizing a thread
  • Thread priority
3. Applets
  • Overview of applets
  • Drawing and event handling
  • Adding UI components
  • Applet API
4. Swing and Swing Components
  • Swing components and containment hierarchy
  • Layout management
  • Thread and swing
  • Using swing components

Students should have an understanding of computer programming and experience with a programming language such as C or C++. Object-oriented programming experience isn't necessary, but will make learning Java a little easier.