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*Jodi's trip to England*

Hello! Well for those of you who actually come to this site and have any interest in what we like or do, then you might find this a nice addition to the page.

I have always wanted to visit England, so when one of my very wonderful friends, Jenn, went away to study abroad..I actually had the opportunity. I stayed with her in Brimingham in a flat that she shared with 4 other girls. I learned quickly that drinking beer is not just something left for parties or done on the weekend. The English make American beer drinkers look like light weights. My thrid day there I went with Jenn and her friends on a pub crawl. It was so much fun, let's just say that I got really drunk that night I was introduced to snogging (making out with random without any thought of hooking up). I did do other things on my trip besides go to pubs and drink beer! I got to go to a theme park called Alton towers (similar to magic mountain). I went to Stratford and saw Shakespear's birthplace, which was awesome since I am a Shakespear fan. Jenn and I met up with a friend we both have chatted with online for awhile in London and wondered the streets in search for landmarks, where we found quite a few! In short England was beautiful with lots of wonderful people. Everybody that I met was so friendly! So thanks to Jenn and her mates, I had a great time, and have many fond memories.

Here are a few Pictures of my trip

Downtown Birmingham

Downtown during the Pub Crawl

My new friend Sam and I feeling pretty good during the pub crawl

Sarah, Jenn, Me, Norris at the end of the night

Everybody at Alton Towers

Me in front of Shakespear's place of birth

The Shakespear Theater in Stratford

Kennsington Palace in London

This is harmless...really!!!

A beautiful church we stumbled across in London

And what trip to England would be complete without..Big Ben